[EBB Sightings] re: Grizzly Island

[EBB Sightings] re: Grizzly Island

William Clark
Thu Sep 15 12:59:09 PDT 2005
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    I want to thank everyone who responded to my posted
    question on birding Grizzly Island.  As none of the
    replies were public, I thought I�d post a compilation
    of the replies.  That way everyone who might follow
    this thread could share in the knowledge.
    Many people pointed me to Pg 154 of �Birding Northern
    California� by John Kemper, published by A Falcon
    Guide.   As I already have the book, I felt pretty
    foolish, but the replies I got came from personal
    experience, and so were greatly appreciated.
    Below find all the information I received.
    -Bill Clark
    Birding Grizzly Island:
    1--The refuge is closed during hunting
    season---mid-October to end of
    2--The Ranch Preserve--.First turn-off from Grizzly
    Island Road is open
    all  year.  Look for owls in the trees around the
    ranch house. marsh
    birds and hawks along the trails.
    3.--You can drive in as far as the refuge headquarters
    at all seasons. 
    Look for the Barn Owls in the nest boxes around
    headquarters parking 
    The area  is all marsh and grassland; north of the
    refuge it is still
    operating ranch land. Birding is  most interesting
    autumn through early
    spring.  this is one of the best areas for Short-eared
    Owls.  The Tule
    elk herd is interesting at all seasons.
    There  is a small Burrowing Owl colony on the right
    hand side of the 
    Road (going in)
    Elizabeth Dickey
    I love grizzly island but it is often closed to
    birders because of hunting, so check ahead. I
    especially like the owls, so go late in the day and
    see the short earred owls start to hunt out in the
    pheasant fields beyond the pay station and then rush
    back to the eucalyptus groves to see the GHOs start
    out and end up back at the barn at the ranger station
    for the barn owl departures.
    Lois in Orinda
    >From Joe Morlan's site: 
    Your answer may be in the archives, but you will have
    to join NBB 
    Mike Feighner
    Grizzly Island is a wonderful place to bird,
    especially if you like 
    shorebirds and ducks, although there are certainly
    other birds as 
    well. I've been surveying the area for a breeding bird
    atlas, and 
    I've counted almost 70 species so far this year.
    It's easy to get to; there's basically only one way in
    and out. Take 
    Hwy. 12 to Grizzly Island Rd and turn west. It's a
    intersection, and Grizzly Island Rd. is called Sunset
    on the other 
    side. Pull out your binoculars and start birding;
    there's lots you 
    can see from the road and there are some designated
    pull-out areas 
    and parking lots. For hiking around, stop at Rush
    Ranch (about 2 
    miles in, on the right) or keep going til you get to
    the Fish and 
    Game-controlled areas (you'll have to register to go
    in and pay a 
    small fee).
    The best season is in spring, of course, although it's
    interesting. I try to get there as soon after daybreak
    as I can to 
    try to catch the rails and other shy birds. Please
    note that the F&G 
    areas are closed in late summer and fall for hunting;
    they don't open 
    again until February. I believe Rush Ranch is open
    Hope this helps.
    Kathleen Tandy
    Grizzly Island is off Highway 12 at Suisun City.
    You'll take I-80 to 12. You'll go through part of
    Suisun City and pick up a sign that says "wildlife
    viewing," which is a right turn. Just keep on this
    road, which goes over several bridges, etc. Finally
    you'll get to the headquarters. A wetland is across
    the road, and it's always filled with ducks and wading
    birds, especially in the winter.
    I think you're supposed to register at headquarters,
    but I can't remember for sure. There may be a fee.
    You'll drive into it along a levee road. In general,
    it's waterfowl that are the most prevalent birds, and
    marsh wrens and raptors. There are places where you
    can hike along levees, and designated parking areas. 
    I would caution you not to go in hunting season, which
    I think may be in the fall. But it's very good
    Carol Fowler
    Walnut Creek
    The California Department of Fish and Game�s Grizzly
    Island Wildlife Area consists of 8,600 acres located
    in the heart of the 84,000-acre Suisun Marsh. The
    Suisun Marsh is the largest contiguous estuarine marsh
    in the United States.  Grizzly Island provides habitat
    for more than 200 species of birds and is home to a
    variety of threatened or endangered wildlife and
    plants.  Enjoy your visit! 
    Grizzly Island may be closed to public access at
    certain times; please refer to the public use schedule
    The Self-Guided Tour begins at the Area Headquarters
    and continues for about 7 � miles along Grizzly Island
    Road, which is unpaved and runs through the middle of
    the Wildlife Area.  Some things you may need for an
    outing at Grizzly Island: binoculars, field guide,
    drinking water, sun block, insect repellent, jacket,
    and appropriate footwear.  Please abide by all signs
    and area regulations.  Some points of interest are
    listed below by parking lot locations.  Grizzly Island
    Wildlife Area�s Headquarters Office is open
    Monday-Friday, 8am - 4:30pm.  The headquarters office
    has free literature and a collection of mounted birds.
     If you visit while the office is closed, please view
    our outdoor kiosks for interesting information about
    Grizzly Island.
    Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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