[EBB Sightings] Coyote Hills white pelicans and quail hatchlings

[EBB Sightings] Coyote Hills white pelicans and quail hatchlings

Brian Zeiler
Sat Sep 10 22:51:01 PDT 2005
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    Went to Coyote Hills again this afternoon.  Saw lots
    of AMERICAN WHITE PELICANS again but not as many as
    last week.  I had much better luck with the pelican
    photography thanks to a hot tip from this list (thanks
    Nancy) putting their foraging area in northeastern
    most marsh, the D.U.S.T. marsh.  Photos are here:  
    Also saw THREE WHITE TAILED KITES perching and hunting
    separately, a GREAT BLUE HERON sitting in a tree, more
    SNOWY EGRETS than last week as well as a GREAT EGRET. 
    Most interesting was a pair of CALIFORNIA QUAIL
    parents and three unbelievably tiny and cute
    hatchlings sprinting across the road together.  The
    offspring could not have been more than two inches
    tall!!  They ran across the road into the cattails
    about 50 yards south of the visitor center parking
    area.  I was quite surprised at the September timing.
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