[EBB Sightings] Berkeley Shores

[EBB Sightings] Berkeley Shores

Alan Howe
Mon Sep 05 14:09:00 PDT 2005
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    Happy Labor Day, all.
      I rode my bike down to Berkeley Aquatic Park, EB
    Shoreline State Park, etc, for the first time in quite
    a while. It was pretty quiet with mostly the usual
      Aquatic Park: 
         Calif towhee
         pied-gilled grebes a plenty
         Forster's terns fishing
         double-crested cormorants
         egrets--great and snowy
         black-crowned night heron
         lots of mallards
      EB St Pk--newly restored area:
         (Looks like they'll be opening some kind of
    nature/viewing trail across the southern section
         northern harrier
         lots of sparrows and such out of id range
      Cesar Chavez Park:
         lone juvenile d-c cormorant
         lone scoter--probably surf female or juvenile
         purple finch (I think)
         various sparrows
      Creek outflow behind the Seabreeze:
         long-billed dowitcher (?)
         red-necked phalarope
         gulls (I'm still working on trying to distinguish
    the various types--probably will be for a very long
      My two cents about the blue bird at Arrowhead: from
    the description, the color sounds to me to be too dark
    for indigo bunting.
      Also, somewhat off-target for this group, I'm
    curious about how a hurricane like Katrina affects
    swamp and shore bird populations. Does anyone know
    about this? Certainly the human tragedy is foremost on
    our minds, but I do wonder about the fallout for
    birds. I'm sure they've been affected by the levees
    and loss of wetlands over the decades.
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