[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline and Shadow Cliffs - Shorebirds and WTK observations

[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline and Shadow Cliffs - Shorebirds and WTK observations

Brian Zeiler
Mon Aug 15 22:30:02 PDT 2005
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Bald Eagle at Del Valle
  • Next Message: [EBB Sightings] Follow-up on WTK courtship behavior

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    Spent the whole day Sunday on a bird photo binge..
    first stop at Hayward Shoreline to Frank's Dump.  All
    my photos are at http://www.pbase.com/zeiler/new so
    for those of you who are experts at shorebird ID,
    please correct my numerous errors.  
    There were easily several thousand birds in about
    three or four major groupings.  Most slept in since
    the weather was so lousy on the shoreline.  The large
    groupings seemed to be DOWITCHERS (can't tell short or
    long-billed) and WILLETS, with numerous STILTS,
    AVOCETS, and LEAST SANDPIPERS.  Two other birders (who
    probably are on this list and met me - I was the
    shaved headed guy with the big white lens) cited SNOWY
    I later went to the visitor's center area and found
    more of the same along with an abundance of
    LONG-BILLED CURLEWS.  The visitor center bird are much
    more habituated to human presence and very
    Later, at Shadow Cliffs, I was treated to the sight of
    three WHITE TAILED KITES playing with each other and
    chasing each other (same as Rich Cimino's?).  Two were
    engaging in what is typically viewed as courtship
    behavior while the third fluttered around with them. 
    They did not appear to be juveniles playing, but I
    don't know what the behavior means.  I believe I've
    read that WTKs can court in early fall to reinforce
    pair bonds so perhaps that's all it was; maybe they
    were all juveniles hanging out together, and we are
    seeing early adult courtship behavior developing?  The
    photos were from very far away and into the sun but I
    posted them anyway.
    Thanks for any behavior or ID comments,
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