[EBB Sightings] Lake Merritt

[EBB Sightings] Lake Merritt

Hilary Powers
Thu Jun 23 09:46:01 PDT 2005
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    Clark Peterson wrote:
    > Hello, thanks to Travis Hails for the information on the Cooper's
    > hawks at Lake Merritt. Last night at 7 I went to the area south of
    > the fountain near Perkins and Grand and found a juvie in a tall
    > conifer tree. ...
    We got a good look at one of the adults - probably mama - yesterday
    morning on the regular monthly GGAC walk, but didn't see any of the 
    > I then walked over to the lake and saw that there are many more
    > Canada geese than my last visit about 6 weeks ago.
    That's the local molt migration at work.... Did you see the Ross's Goose 
    wandering around among 'em? It was right by the nature center yesterday 
    morning around 9:30.
    > Also many more cormorants, which are nesting offshore in some trees.
    > Must be at least 100. There were plenty of mallards and egrets and
    > black-crowned night herons (some juveniles too). Unlike my last
    > visit, there were no scaups. I assume they migrated or were just in
    > hiding.
    Yes, the last of the scaups have all headed north for the breeding 
    season. I saw lots of pairs near Churchill, Manitoba, at the beginning 
    of June, and couldn't help wondering if they could include some of the 
    same individuals who'd been chasing grain and bread crumbs at Lake 
    Merritt all winter.
    We racked up 34 species in the course of a 3-hour stroll (plus an 
    almost-vireo that we couldn't quite identify) - way more than I was 
    expecting at this quiet time of year. Hooded orioles in the garden made 
    my second life bird of the day; it's nice being a beginner - there's so 
    much new to see.
    - Hilary Powers - hilary at powersedit.com - Oakland CA -
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    -      The edit you want, when you want it done.     -

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