[EBB Sightings] Burrowing Owls in Dublin: what about Kit Fox?

[EBB Sightings] Burrowing Owls in Dublin: what about Kit Fox?

Richard Cimino
Mon Jun 20 22:40:05 PDT 2005
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    While noticing Burrowing Owls on Camp Parks have you noticed Kit Fox at
    B4 the military began selling and giving away blocks of the camp to the
    development brokers here was a thriving population of Kit Fox on the
    Not long ago the camp was an open un-fenced rolling knoll of several
    hundred acrea.
     Now it fenced and chopped up into corporate yards and traffic.
    I am curious if the little fox continues to inhabit the camp.
    Rich Cimino
    -----Original Message-----
    From: sightings-admin at diabloaudubon.com
    [mailto:sightings-admin at diabloaudubon.com] On Behalf Of Andy Shell
    Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 9:15 PM
    To: aquila2 at comcast.net; sightings at diabloaudubon.com
    Subject: RE: [EBB Sightings] Burrowing Owls in Dublin
    There also at least four additional nesting pairs on Camp Parks
    Andy Shell
    andy at andyshell.net
    (425) 830-9028
    -----Original Message-----
    From: sightings-admin at diabloaudubon.com
    [mailto:sightings-admin at diabloaudubon.com] On Behalf Of
    aquila2 at comcast.net
    Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 9:13 PM
    To: sightings at diabloaudubon.com
    Subject: [EBB Sightings] Burrowing Owls in Dublin
    Since there seems to be a lot of interest in the Burrowing Owls in
    Dublin I thought I'd mention that I know of four (4) active nest burrows
    in the area. All are easily seen from a vehicle and seem to have
    produced young this season.  This evening between 6:30 and 7:00PM I did
    a quick census to see how many I could at one time.
    1.  Tassajara Blvd and Northside DR (100 meters south of Tassajara and
    Dublin Blvd). This is the dead-end access road along 580.  There were 6
    owls here along the fence line here. One of the owls routinely perches
    very high on a horizontal power line and can be seen from 580.
    2. Tassajarra Blvd and Dublin Blvd.  This is the frequently mentioned
    site near the cross-walk sign.  There were 3 birds here.
    3.  Arnold road just north of Dublin Blvd (the field west of Sybase).
    There were 8 owls here that were really putting on a show!  The 6
    fledgings were all above ground on a concrete slab exercising their
    wings.  They would hop up into the stiff breeze and hover there for a
    while before before
    (not-so-gracefully) returning to the ground.
    4.  Dublin Blvd ~100 meters east of Iron Horse Pkwy.  The nest sight is
    on the north side of the large, diagonal ditch.  There is no place to
    park so this was a drive-by count.  Nonetheless, there were 3 birds
    easily seen. They often perch on the barbed-wire fence.
    SO...20 owls in 30 minutes.  Not bad.  Perhaps Brian Zeiler or Mary will
    get some pictures of some of the youngsters???????
    David Bowden
    Dublin, CA
    From: Mary McCanta 
    Subject: [EBB Sightings] Burrowing Owls in Dublin
    Hi East Bay Birders,
    I just wanted to thank Brian Zeiler for posting directions to the
    burrowing owl he has been watching at the intersection of Tassajara Road
    and Dublin Road in Dublin. We finally went out there this afternoon to
    check them out (arrived around 230pm). Just as he said, the owl was
    plainly visible at the northeast corner of the intersection, sitting on
    a post between the "Walk" signal and the empty field.
    After watching for a short while we realized that there were actually
    TWO owls there and they have a nest in that little triangle of land. We
    briefly saw the head of a third owl in the grass near the burrow but
    didn't get a great view of it since we were staying in the "car blind".
    Presumably they have a nestling or two there. They were very protective
    of the site and several pedestrians (particularly one with a dog on a
    leash) stirred the owls into a hovering shriek attack. The button to
    trigger the walk signal at that corner is only a few feet from their
    burrow so people weren't intentionally disturbing the owls, but the
    proximity obviously agitated them.
    The empty field they are nesting by has a huge housing development on
    one side and a mall across the street so I'm afraid these owls will not
    be able to use this site for many more years. In fact, I would expect
    another development on that field any time now. Anyway, there is good
    viewing from the car if you take a right on Dublin Road at Tassajara and
    flip a u-turn to come back along the owls' side of the street at the
    corner. They were watchful of us in the car but it did not stir them to
    action like the pedestrians did.
    Here are a couple pictures we took. I'll try to get more on my regular
    website tomorrow. http://www.californiabirder.com/owls/
    Good birding!
    Mary and Holly>>> _______________________________________________
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