[EBB Sightings] Rose-breasted Grosbeak AGAIN!

[EBB Sightings] Rose-breasted Grosbeak AGAIN!

Kay Loughman
Sun Jun 19 10:19:05 PDT 2005
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    For the fourth time since 1997, I have a male Rose-breasted Grosbeak 
    (RBGR) at my feeder in the Oakland/Berkeley hills!  My records show an 
    RBGR here June 8-15, 1997, June 18, 2001, May 31, 2004, and now today. 
    If it is the same individual - which seems likely - it is at least nine 
    years old. (It was in adult plumage in  June 1997, so it had to have 
    been born  in 1996 or earlier).   Nine is not necessarily old for this 
    species.  According to the Bird Banding Laboratory's website, the 
    current longevity record for RBGR is 12 yrs, 11 mos.
    Seconds ago it was on the front deck feeder along with several 
    Black-headed Grosbeaks (M & F), House Finches, Purple Finches, Oak 
    Titmouse, California Towhee, American Goldfinch, etc.
    It you want to visit, we're at the northern intersection of Gravatt and 
    Stephens in the hills above the Claremont Hotel.
    Kay Loughman

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