[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline

[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline

Clark Peterson
Wed Jun 15 09:09:08 PDT 2005
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    In response to Terry Coddington's post, I'd like to add that I visited
    the Hayward Shoreline on Sunday because of a recent post about this
    site. It was my first visit and it did not disappoint. I saw two
    white-tailed kites near the first pond south. Also in view were many
    Canada Geese, mallards and avocets. Further down in the creek were
    several ruddy ducks. Long-billed curlews scanned the mud under the
    bridge. There were at least 100 avocets along the shore as well as
    numerous gulls. I got a great photo of a snowy egret but was too far
    away to shoot the Great Blue Heron that flew buy. There were many egret
    flybys and I believe a harrier also cruised over the marsh. I saw only a
    few black-necked stilts and many many ground squirrels, which must make
    for delicious lunch for the birds of prey. I was told that this is area
    is much better in the fall.
    I also dropped by Valle Vista Staging Area and took the trail that goes
    out into the field and then forks, taking the left fork. I saw a nest
    soon after about 3/4 up a pine tree next to two dead trees but no birds.
    A redtail did fly over this area. Continuing on past the reservoir, I
    saw two Great Blue Herons, cormorant, snowy egret, mallards, Canada
    geese, killdeer. I was looking for a red-shouldered hawk but never saw
    The day before I saw a golden eagle on the radio towers above the
    Caldecott Tunnel in the Silbey Volcanic Reserve. I'm told a pair nests
    Clark Stanton
    San Rafael

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