[EBB Sightings] Martinez garden birding

[EBB Sightings] Martinez garden birding

David Diller
Thu Jun 02 10:45:02 PDT 2005
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    I haven't reported any sightings for about three months since unfortunately I've birded precious little since moving into an old house in the hills just east of downtown Martinez in Feb and being consumed with this and new business start up. I'd like to share however a few highlights of fleeting bird experiences over the last 3 months that I've enjoyed right from our very own garden which has turned out to be surprisingly more rewarding than I ever expected:
    Band-tailed Pigeon: a day after move in discovered nesting in large tree in our front yard
    Allen's Hummingbird, Hooded Oriole: both coming to our feeders daily along with Anna's H, 
    C Towhees, M Doves, Chickadees,  H Finches, L Goldfinches, W Scrub Jays and occaisionally Steller's Jay (winter Sparrows and Siskins were here too) A Bullock's Oriole was seen once. 
    One very bold Scub Jay has become a sort of family pet and takes shelled unsalted peanuts from our hands!
    On May the 20th we had a  migration mini-fallout with 2 Yellow Warblers and 2 Western Tanagers.
    Black Phoebes, Mockingbirds and Nuttall's Woodpeckers are seen or heard daily,  it's fun to watch the mockingbirds chase the Jays.
    Across the street there is a small open space where I spotted Lazuli Bunting, Wilson's and Townsends warbler in early May (very poor note-taking this Spring)
    A possible Broad-billed Hummer was spotted in early March but I hesitate to report it officially because of fleeting glimpses, the only thing I was sure was it had a pinkish-red bill. 
    Today I am finally going on a birding trip to Klamath /North Coast but the garden has helped me keep my sanity all these months.
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