[EBB Sightings] Indigo Bunting continues

[EBB Sightings] Indigo Bunting continues

Ron Wolf
Thu Jun 02 12:13:00 PDT 2005
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    The indigo bunting continued singing from the top of the sycamore 
    from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Wednesday, interupted by two trips down to 
    patches of thistle in the field southeast of the home tree. He 
    dropped down to the patch closest to the tree and fed on a thistle 
    head for 2-3 minutes before returning to his perch. Later, he flew 
    off and disappeared into a patch of thistle near the crest of the 
    hill to the southeast. It would seem like someone with a long lens 
    and a lot of patience might get a photo op by staking out the thistle 
    BTW, a pair a kestrels are nesting in the first sycamore along the 
    creek bed immediately north of the second bridge. Nest cavity is just 
    below the top of the main trunk on the north side of the tree. Both 
    parents are delivering whatever they can catch at 10-20 minute 
    Ron Wolf / Palo Alto
    >East Bay Birders, County Birders:
    >The Indigo Bunting reported by Emily Serkin on Sunday 29 May 2005 at
    >Garin/Dry Creek Regional Park in Union City, Alameda County was still
    >present at the same spot this morning at 8:30 AM at a distance of about
    >0.25 mile from the Tamarack Drive entrance.
    >Walk up Meyers Ranch Tail and make a right between to the small bridges
    >onto the grassy field.  The male Indigo Bunting was singing at the top
    >of the tallest Sycamore Tree at the north end of this grassy field.
    >>From I-880 take Whipple Road east to Mission Blvd., turn left and take
    >the first right onto Tamarak Drive and park near the trailhead gate.
    >Mike Feighner, Livermore, CA, Alameda County

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