[EBB Sightings] Patterson Pass Rd. Blue Grosbeaks

[EBB Sightings] Patterson Pass Rd. Blue Grosbeaks

Jaan Lepson
Sun Jun 26 19:33:09 PDT 2005
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    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"
    I must have just missed Rich today.  I had occasion to be on 
    Patterson Pass Rd at noon, and had no trouble seeing the BLUE 
    GROSBEAK pair at RM 6.21.  The female was initially perched in the 
    open at the top of a bare brach in the middle of the gulch, giving 
    her "chink" calls.  The male tended to stay in the shade across the 
    gully, both calling and singing, though he also came and perched 
    mid-gully.  I don't think I saw them simultaneously.  I was appalled 
    at the construction debris - makes me rethink my stance on capital 
    	Also saw 5 BURROWING OWLS arounf RM 5.47.
    >Yesterday and today I spent time watching the Blue Grosbeak pair at 
    >RM. 6.21on Patterson Pass Rd.
    >Both days the a pair are in the open.
    >The pair is using a single Willow Tree to perch. The Male is 
    >stationary and utter a loud chirp from time to time.
    >The female makes short trips out from the interior of the willow.
    >My assumption is she is on a nest.
    >The male ducks into the willow when she shows herself .
    > Blue Grosbeak have nested here - within 50  feet in the recent pass.
    >To locate the willow, stand on the dirt mound - in aliment with the 
    >newly discarded wallboard ( sad but true).
    >Look directly across to a wide willow next  to an exposed eroded 
    >soil piece of the hill side.
    >I also stopped both days down at RM 7.0.
    >A female Grosbeak was posted as being seen on Thrusday at RM 7.0.
    > I had nothing saturday.
    > But today I had a male Blue Grosbeak in the shrubs.
    >Blue Grosbeak have nested in this location in the MID 1980's.
    >I have not noticed any BG activity around RM7.0 for some time due to 
    >cattle grazing impact on the shrubs.
    >Rich Cimino
    >Pleasanton, Cal.
    Content-Type: text/enriched; charset="iso-8859-1"
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    Patterson Pass Rd at noon, and had no trouble seeing the BLUE GROSBEAK
    pair at RM 6.21.  The female was initially perched in the open at the
    top of a bare brach in the middle of the gulch, giving her "chink"
    calls.  The male tended to stay in the shade across the gully, both
    calling and singing, though he also came and perched mid-gully.  I
    don't think I saw them simultaneously.  I was appalled at the
    construction debris - makes me rethink my stance on capital
    	Also saw 5 BURROWING OWLS arounf RM 5.47.
    pair at RM. 6.21on Patterson Pass Rd.
    Both days the a pair are in the open.
    The pair is using a single Willow Tree to perch. The Male is stationary
    and utter a loud chirp from time to time.
    The female makes short trips out from the interior of the willow.
    My assumption is she=A0is on=A0a nest.
    The male ducks into the willow when she shows herself=A0.
     Blue Grosbeak have nested here - within 50 =A0feet in the recent pass.
    To locate the willow, stand on the=A0dirt mound=A0- in aliment with the
    newly discarded wallboard ( sad but true).
    Look directly across to a wide willow next  to an exposed eroded soil
    piece of the hill side.
    I also stopped both days down at RM 7.0.
    A female Grosbeak was posted as being seen=A0on Thrusday=A0at RM 7.0.
     I had nothing saturday.
     But today I had a male Blue Grosbeak in the shrubs.
    Blue Grosbeak have nested in this location in the=A0MID 1980's.
    I have not noticed any BG activity around RM7.0=A0for some time=A0due to
    cattle grazing impact on the shrubs.
    Rich Cimino
    Pleasanton, Cal.

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