[EBB Sightings] Sunol-Ohlone Regional Park 5-10-05

[EBB Sightings] Sunol-Ohlone Regional Park 5-10-05

Randy Little
Tue May 10 16:53:00 PDT 2005
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    Hi Birders,
    I did some birding at Sunol-Ohlone RP today from about 8:30a - 1p.  I followed Alameda Creek up to Little Yosemite and back.
    Numerous Western Tanagers, Lazuli Buntings, Black-headed Grosbeaks and a few Lesser Goldfinch "brightened" things up.
    Besides the above many other less colorful species were making their presence known with their vocalizations; Warbling Vireos, House Wrens, Western Wood Pewees, Red-shouldered Hawk, Wrentit, Oak Titmouse, Pacific-slope Flycatcher, Ash-throated Flycatcher, Wild Turkey, Western Scrub-Jay, Violet-green Swallow, Steller's Jays and Huttons Vireos.
    Others species of interest were a pair of Golden Eagles, a Cooper's Hawk, Red-winged Hawks, a bathing Rufous-crowned Sparrow, begging Chestnut-backed Chickadee fledglings, orbiting White-throated Swifts and a pair of Wilson's Warblers.
    My personal FOS sightings included a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, MacGillivray's Warbler and Olive-sided Flycatcher.
    Randy Little, Milpitas
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