[EBB Sightings] (no subject)

[EBB Sightings] (no subject)

Lance Beeson
Mon May 09 11:08:01 PDT 2005
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] BH Grosbeak No. Oakland flats
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    If you like to get "up close and personal" with normally distant birds, 
    try the dam at Briones Overlook (with your official okey-dokey Trail 
    Permit, that is).
    The bridge that goes over the spillway has a large number of nesting 
    Cliff Swallows that continually fly in and out right beneath your feet. 
    It's kind of exhilarating.
    Last Saturday afternoon, my son and I went there and I got within TWO 
    feet of a Tree Swallow, who was clinging to a nesting box which is 
    mounted to a utility pole right on the road that crosses the dam. For 
    once I didn't need the binoculars at all and made a positive ID. I am 
    not sure if he was actually using the box but sure was clinging on to 
    I also saw what I believe is a Purple Martin on a wire overhead. I 
    definitely saw an American Goldfinch couple as well as the usual ducks 
    in the water there. Lotsa bluebirds too, of course.
    I also saw what APPEARED to be a Cassin's Finch, because he had the 
    slight crest, the defined back of head red ending, but I couldn't see 
    his culmen long enough to be sure he wasn't a purple (I watch Purples 
    and Houses all day here at work out  my window). He also seemed 
    stouter. Gun-shy about this ID, though.
    They just mowed the trails there. My son, who is always looking for 
    snakes, found a nest of eggs underneath a cut-up piece of utility pole 
    (this was downhill from the parking area). The nest was perfectly round 
    and made of pine needles. There were 12 eggs, white with brown speckles 
    and a kind of stained look. I am guessing quail? I think the mowing may 
    have caused the parents to abandon the nest as the just-mowed grass was 
    a foot and a half away. Eggs were cold and there was no worried bird 
    lurking about. We did see a few quail farther down the path though.
    Anyway, the dam is a funny spot, because even though there is a bit of 
    sterility to it, it is a nexus of bird activity. We even found a 
    crawdad leg and parts of another unfortunate bird strewn about from a 
    raptor's meal, perhaps.

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