[EBB Sightings] Skittish Burrowing owls

[EBB Sightings] Skittish Burrowing owls

Bruce Deuel
Tue Apr 05 11:05:02 PDT 2005
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    Kestrels are often used in falconry for beginners.  I think (and this is
    an old memory from when I used to work in Sacramento in the 80s, so is
    subject to error) that there are 2 classes of falconry permits, and that
    the beginner class is restricted in which species they can use.  I have
    a hard time imagining what one would hunt with a kestrel, though I
    understand grasshoppers can be good eating!
    Bruce Deuel
    >>> Joseph Morlan  04/05/05 10:22 AM >>>
    On Tue, 05 Apr 2005 10:00:38 -0700, Laura Look 
    >My understanding is that the pair of owls at Berkeley Marina are
    >birds.  My mother-in-law walks down there very regularly and says they
    >see them in winter, for at least 3 winters now.  She always tells us
    >they start seeing them.  And they stopped seeing them about a week 
    >ago.  For what it's worth...
    I was out yesterday and also did not see them.
    However, there was a very tame female American Kestrel with leather
    on both legs.  It was along the east side of the park.  I've never seen
    kestrel used in falconry before.  I guess it got lost or escaped.
    Joseph Morlan, Pacifica, CA 94044  jmorlan (at) ccsf.org 
    Birding Classes in SF start Feb.8  http://fog.ccsf.edu/~jmorlan/ 
    California Bird Records Committee  http://www.wfo-cbrc.org/cbrc/ 
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