[EBB Sightings] Lafayette Reservoir Nesting Boxes

[EBB Sightings] Lafayette Reservoir Nesting Boxes

Hartwell, Roger
Tue Apr 26 08:09:01 PDT 2005
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    Great pictures!  From 1998-2000, ash-throated flycatchers were common in
    the bluebird boxes on the EBMUD watershed (11-16% of all nests).
    However, there were only 7% in 2001, 2% in 2002, and none reported in
    2003 (I don't have 2004 data at hand).  Good to see that they are still
    around and using the boxes.  I have noticed fewer ATFL from watershed
    call point counts, but I still get them.  
    Roger D. Hartwell
    Supervising Fisheries and Wildlife Biologist
    East Bay Municipal Utility District 
    Fisheries and Wildlife Division
    500 San Pablo Dam Road
    Orinda, CA 94563
    (510) 287-2025
    Business Fax (925) 254-8320
    -----Original Message-----
    From: sightings-admin at diabloaudubon.com
    [mailto:sightings-admin at diabloaudubon.com] On Behalf Of Jaan Lepson
    Sent: Monday, April 25, 2005 9:54 PM
    To: sightings at diabloaudubon.com
    Subject: Re: [EBB Sightings] Lafayette Reservoir Nesting Boxes
    For someone who doesnt know what he's seeing ;) you take awesome
    pictures!  In this case, aweome pictures of an Ash-throated Flycatcher.
    I'm absolutely green with envy - I'm happy if my pictures are even
    identifiable.  What camera and lenses do you use?
    keep up the great work!
    >I'm embarrassed that I can't ID this bird in my Sibley guide.  I am 
    >more of a raptor and wader fan than anything else, so I'm at a loss 
    >with these small birds sometimes.
    >Anyway, at Lafayette Reservoir on Sunday, I found a pair of these 
    >little birds actively bringing nesting material into their manmade 
    >nesting box.  They were using one of the boxes that's about 25% of the 
    >way around the trail going counterclockwise; it's off to the left and 
    >down a slope traveling in that direction.
    >  They were very busy and quite entertaining.  The pictures are here:
    >Thanks for the help,
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