[EBB Sightings] Good Birding by Car in May? Advice Please

[EBB Sightings] Good Birding by Car in May? Advice Please

Arlene Gemmill
Thu Apr 21 15:42:01 PDT 2005
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    Could some kind souls and/or knowledgeable birders please give me the scoop
    on birding Mines Road currently.
    I want to take a friend birding in the next few weeks.  However, she needs
    to bird from the car and is only able to walk/hobble a few steps.
    My recollection of the Mines Road trip (I did it in 1995) described in the
    Jean Richmond book is that it would be ideal for my disabled friend.
    Also, I saw recent mention of the Patterson Road birding and would apprecite
    more information. Isn't that in vicinity of Livermore?
    Any advice or information on good birding trips by car at this time of year
    greatly appreciated.
    I live carless in S.F. so know little about East Bay in May (except Wild Cat

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