[EBB Sightings] Warbling Vireo arrival dates

[EBB Sightings] Warbling Vireo arrival dates

Tue Mar 15 22:34:01 PST 2005
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    Hi all,
    Mid-March is a very typical arrival date for Warbling Vireos in the East Bay. 
    The earliest date in my East Bay notebooks was for 3/8 and I have many 
    records by 3/14. As Nat mentioned, they are one of our earlier migrants. One year on 
    4/1 I had no less than 20 of them singing along a 1.5 mi. stretch of 
    Pinehurst Rd. between Moraga and Redwood R.P. These early arrivals are apparently 
    territorial males and should remain here through the summer, rather than migrants 
    that will continue north. 
    As in past years there has been some discussion about early arrivals of 
    various species. Mid-March is also a typical arrival date for Bullock's Oriole with 
    some records as early as mid-February. Ditto for Hooded Oriole which also 
    typically arrives about mid-March but has been seen quite a few times in very 
    early March. 
    Birders seem to have a sense (often mistaken) that anything arriving before 
    April must be early. In fact, quite a few species arrive in March (or earlier): 
    Allen's Hummingbird, Pacific-slope Flycatcher, all five of our breeding 
    swallows, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Warbling and Cassin's (very late March) Vireos, 
    Orange-crowned Warbler, Black-headed Grosbeak and Chipping Sparrow.
    Good birding,
    Steve Glover
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    =3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">Hi all,
    Mid-March is a very typical arrival date for Warbling Vireos in the East Bay= . The earliest date in my East Bay notebooks was for 3/8 and I have many rec= ords by 3/14. As Nat mentioned, they are one of our earlier migrants. One ye= ar on 4/1 I had no less than 20 of them singing along a 1.5 mi. stretch of P= inehurst Rd. between Moraga and Redwood R.P. These early arrivals are appare= ntly territorial males and should remain here through the summer, rather tha= n migrants that will continue north.
    As in past years there has been some discussion about early arrivals of vari= ous species. Mid-March is also a typical arrival date for Bullock's Oriole w= ith some records as early as mid-February. Ditto for Hooded Oriole which als= o typically arrives about mid-March but has been seen quite a few times in v= ery early March.
    Birders seem to have a sense (often mistaken) that anything arriving before=20= April must be early. In fact, quite a few species arrive in March (or earlie= r): Allen's Hummingbird, Pacific-slope Flycatcher, all five of our breeding=20= swallows, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Warbling and Cassin's (very late March) Vir= eos, Orange-crowned Warbler, Black-headed Grosbeak and Chipping Sparrow.
    Good birding,
    Steve Glover
    Dublin --part1_105.5ce0dee8.2f692d63_boundary--

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