[EBB Sightings] Early Arrivals Orioles, Kindbirds and Grosbeaks

[EBB Sightings] Early Arrivals Orioles, Kindbirds and Grosbeaks

Richard Cimino
Sun Mar 13 21:20:05 PST 2005
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    I will be very curious when we get our first early Blue Grosbeak's
    arrivals in eastern Alameda County this year 2005.
    Last year 2004 on Patterson Pass Rd. road marker 6.21, I had a single BG
    on April 3 the BG was only heard. 
    Later on April 12th the BG was sighted .
    Prior to 2004 the earliest arrivals on Patterson Pass for myself was is
    April 16th. 
    Again 2004 ~ Bob Barnes of the Audubon Kern River Ranch had e mailed me
    with an April 4th BG in the Kern River Audubon Ranch area.
    Across the Bay - Santa Clara county this past week a Hooded Oriole have
    been reported.
    The San Diego area has reported several Hooded Orioles this past week
    Last year 2004 Blacked Headed Grosbeaks seemed early to arrive during
    This year 2005, Sunday Art Edwards already has a Bullocks Oriole in east
    Spring Equinox is Sunday March 20th this year.
    It will be interesting to begin the Blue Grosbeak search on Patterson
    Pass road even earlier this year.
    Rich Cimino
    Pleasanton, Ca.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: sightings-admin at diabloaudubon.com
    [mailto:sightings-admin at diabloaudubon.com] On Behalf Of Adele
    Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2005 6:25 PM
    To: Mt. Diablo Audubon
    Subject: [EBB Sightings] Early Arrivals
    Yesterday, March 12, 2005, at about 7 a.m., George Bing and I saw a male
    Bullock's Oriole at milepost 9.68 on Corral Hollow road, in Alameda Co.
    This is my earliest ever sighting of this bird.
    Also yesterday, at about 7:45 a.m., we saw a Western Kingbird at the
    entrance of the Tracy Golf Course on Chrisman Road, near the Hwy 580/Hwy
    132 interchange in San Joaquin Co.  This was also my earliest ever
    sighting of this bird.  The Tracy Golf Course is a good place to find
    Cassin's Kingbird.  We have seen it there in spring and summer most
    years, and saw it there in February 2004.
    We saw and heard a Canyon Wren at milepost 7.4 in Del Puerto Canyon in
    Stanislaus Co., and several Lewis Woodpeckers in San Antonio Valley,
    between 0.25 and 2.5 miles south of San Antonio Junction, Santa Clara
    Art Edwards
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