[EBB Sightings] Greater Scaup and others

[EBB Sightings] Greater Scaup and others

Brian Zeiler
Mon Feb 21 20:42:01 PST 2005
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    Everybody was so helpful with my white-tailed kite
    inquiry last week that I thought I'd post a few
    observations from the weekend - these are my first
    notes so please let me know if they are too basic...
    this may not be news to any of you.  But, what the
    heck.  I've also included picture links for those of
    you who enjoy that kind of thing.
    I saw what I think is a GREATER SCAUP at Palo Alto
    Baylands in the Duck Pond.  My guidebook implied that
    this is relatively uncommon... I'm not sure, but
    thought I'd pass it along.  This was on Saturday. 
    Here are two pictures I took:
    The BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERONS are beginning to gather
    at the Duck Pond in the palm tree rookery.  The
    numbers seem to vary significantly day to day; today I
    saw one, but Saturday and Sunday there were perhaps a
    dozen or more within sight.  Here are three photos I
    Also saw plenty of NORTHERN HARRIERS flying around the
    marshes of Coyote Hills all weekend, a male and
    several females.  They were not shy at all about
    swooping low and hunting near humans.  Here's a
    And best of all, I got my close-up to a WHITE-TAILED
    KITE, a block away from my place in Dublin!  He was
    devouring a large rodent in a tree.  The light was
    awful at sunset so the quality is a bit lacking.  I
    did not see a mate or any sign of a nest.  Here's a
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