[EBB Sightings] Livermore Swamp Sparrow continues

[EBB Sightings] Livermore Swamp Sparrow continues

Akira So
Fri Feb 18 19:27:00 PST 2005
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    Hi everyone,
    At about 11 a.m. this morning, SWAMP SPARROW continued at the same location previously described, along Las Positas Creek in Livermore.
    I believe this bird (birds?) was first found by George Bing and Art Edwards on Nov. 13, 2004. I know many birders have seen it since, but I didn't have any luck in my two attempts in the past month or so. So I feel pretty lucky today. :-)
    Here are two photos from today's sighting:
    As I got there, two birders were leaving the area without any luck, which didn't seem like a promising sign. But I quietly waited for about 30 minutes before it made the first appearance. After a few minutes of skulking, she (He? I'm not sure. Can anyone tell?) was then chased away by a SONG SPARROW. But another 30 minutes of waiting produced the second appearance, before it finally flew to the opposite shore of the creek where I lost sight of it. The total viewing time was perhaps 5-10 minutes.
    It seemed to fly back and forth among the following: reeds beyond the barbed wire fence, area directly under the fence, plants along the creek shore on the paved bike road side (those nearer to the barbed fence), as well as the creek shore directly opposite from there.
    Also seen at the same location today while waiting for the sparrows included: SORA, MARSH WREN, BELTED KINGFISHER.
    A side note: While checking the EBB archive, I noticed that someone reported seeing a few GOLDEN EAGLEs while looking for the SWAMP SPARROW there in mid December. Although I didn't see any today, on Feb. 6, I saw three of them together on the nearby hill top fence, loudly vocalizing and also walking around on the ground, which was fun to watch through the scope. So if anyone will be out there, you might like to keep an eye out for them too.
    Good birding,
    Pleasanton, CA (Alameda County)

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