[EBB Sightings] Salmonellosis

[EBB Sightings] Salmonellosis

Terry Coddington
Wed Feb 16 16:25:02 PST 2005
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    I, too have been checking on the impact of the DFG memo to close down bird
    feeding and my (voluntary) obligation to the Cornell Feederwatch project. 
    Cornell just said they were in accord with the DFG memo
    (www.dfg.ca.gov/news/news05/05011.html) but didn't tell me to stop the
    feeding.  The memo refers to "forested areas...from Grass Valley to
    Eureka".  Lacking more details from Project Feeder Watch, and excluding
    Alameda County from that quoted area, I plan to clean up and keep feeding.
    	Apropos the purple finch sightings, I have seen one (that in the past
    week) at my location in northeast Berkeley.  I may not see one a year at
    this location, but they're easily missed, at least by me.
    	Thanks to all for the input.
    Terry Coddington
    tlcodd at earthlink.net
    Why Wait?  Move to EarthLink.

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