[EBB Sightings] Yellow-Crowned Night Heron?

[EBB Sightings] Yellow-Crowned Night Heron?

Alan Howe
Sun Feb 13 18:28:00 PST 2005
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    Greetings, all.
       Yesterday (2/12/05), while enjoying the beautiful
    afternoon at Lake Merritt, I was pretty sure I saw a
    juvenile ellow-crowned night heron near a number of
    black-crowned on the northern-most island of the
    refuge area. Given the indication in Sibley's that
    they're not all that common around here, I'd like to
    be sure that's what I saw. 
       Has anyone else seen this bird? Am I correct in
    vaguely remembering mention of a yellow-crowned by
    list members some time ago? 
       There were plenty of the regulars on hand, too.
    More black-crowned than I've ever seen in one place,
    goldeneyes, scaups, ring-necked and ruddy ducks,
    canvassback, buffleheads, Canada geese and
    pied-billed, eared and horned grebes. There were also
    scads of double-crested cormorants roosting/nesting in
    the tall trees on the islands.
       Speaking of ruddys, I've been interested to see
    that the ones I've seen at Merritt and Berkeley
    Aquatic Park in the last couple of weeks still show
    non-breeding plumage, while those at Lake Temescal a
    couple of weeks ago were resplendent in their breeding
    colors. Is this unusual?
       Thanks for any confirmation or insights folks can
    Happy Valentine's Day.
    Alan Howe
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