[EBB Sightings] Ducks on Frick Lake in Livermore

[EBB Sightings] Ducks on Frick Lake in Livermore

Akira So
Sat Jan 22 16:01:00 PST 2005
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    Hi all,
    I stopped at Frick Lake in Livermore around 2 p.m. today. At the 
    slightly foggy lake, I noted the following ducks and geese:
    Greater White-fronted Goose
    Cinnamon Teal
    American Wigeon
    Northern Pintail
    Northern Shoveler
    Most of the above were congregating near the north end of lake beyond a 
    "Not a Thorough Road" sign on the adjoinning Laughlin Rd.
    Aside from the ducks, many Black-necked Stilts were present.
    Good birding,
    Pleasaonton, CA (Alameda Co.)

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