[EBB Sightings] Arrowhead Marsh: 01-01-05

[EBB Sightings] Arrowhead Marsh: 01-01-05

Bob Power
Sat Jan 01 16:27:01 PST 2005
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Greater White-fronted Geese
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    Hi all:
    Our Golden Gate Audubon field trip got 2005 off to a
    good start.  For the dozen folks who made the complete
    circuit, we had betw. 72-75 species depending on
    whether you saw the Black Turnstones in flight, heard
    the Clapper Rails, and saw the Merlin zip through.  
    Highlights were:
    Common Teal
    Cackling Geese and the Greater White-fronted Geese
    reported yesterday by Pamela Llewelyn.
    Forster's Tern
    American/Eurasian Wigeon hybrid
    Loggerhead Shrike.
    Peregrine Falcon 
    We were at mid-tide and high tide isn't all that high
    today, so the rails were limited to a couple of
    choruses from Clappers.  No sign of the Nelson's
    Sharp-tailed sparrow, but we didn't spend a lot of
    time looking for it either.
    I had both Cackling Geese and an Aleutian Canada goose
    in the wetland at the north end of Edgewater at about
    Good Birding,
    Bob Power
    P.s.  One of our participants had close-up views of
    the Pileated Woodpecker below the Observatory at
    Redwood about two weeks ago. She's not on this
    listserv and I encouraged her to join and post any
    future sightings.  Would be nice to track that bird's
    p.p.s. First bird of the year: Rock Pigeon.  :)

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