[EBB Sightings] Rails @ Arrowhead

[EBB Sightings] Rails @ Arrowhead

Wendy St John
Sun Dec 12 00:21:01 PST 2004
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    Brian Fitch wrote:
     >A photographer was already on one Clapper Rail when I arrived, and we 
    two more birds in good view.
    That was me. :)
    I had even better luck with the Clapper rails about an hour later, 
    after having walked down between the canal and the wetlands to see if I 
    could find some dowitchers (I did, but they were being annoyingly 
    quiet, so I'll have to study the pictures to see if I can get an ID; 
    the wigeon were talking up a storm, though).
    When I went back to the boardwalk later, I walked about half way down 
    and found myself with FOUR Clapper rails in plain view, about 10 feet 
    away from me. YES! There was also at least one Sora present at that 
    spot, and I found another one in the reeds at the very end of the lake 
    next to the first parking lot when you turn off Swan coming in (Martin 
    Luther King Grove, I think the sign says).
    So, anyone looking for rails, I'd suggest trying the boardwalk - the 
    tide was very high at the time. I suspect the birds were there because 
    they didn't really have too many other places to go. They didn't seem 
    at all bothered by my presence, though, and let me snap a whole heck of 
    a lot of photos. :)
    I have pictures of both of the rails, as well as a bunch of pictures of 
    the geese Brian mentioned in his earlier message. I'd be happy to make 
    them available to anyone who might be interested. (I got a few pics of 
    the peregrine, also, but they're not very good).
    Wendy St John
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