[EBB Sightings] Lake Merritt - Yellow Warbler

[EBB Sightings] Lake Merritt - Yellow Warbler

Laura Gee
Sat Dec 04 15:28:00 PST 2004
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    Hi EBBs,
    This morning Wild Bird Center in Walnut Creek had their monthly birdwalk =
    at Lake Merrit in Oakland.  We saw the previously reported ducks and =
    waterbirds in residence for the winter:  common goldeneye, Barrow's =
    goldeneye (1), female tufted duck, pied-billed grebe, eared grebes, =
    ruddy ducks, canvasbacks, greater and lesser scaup, great and snowy =
    egrets, black-crowned night herons, mallards, great blue egret, Egyptian =
    geese, coots, Canada geese, Herring, ring-billed and glaucous-winged =
    gulls, ring-necked duck, double crested cormorants.  Most of the ducks =
    were in great numbers on the lake.
    At the tail end of the trip, about 10:00 am I saw a yellow warbler =
    feeding in the purple salvia at the back of the Nature Center.  It =
    looked to be a female or immature.  Wouldn't this be an unusually late =
    sighting for this warbler?  I watched the bird for several minutes and =
    left.  When I came back about 10 minutes later, it was gone.
    We also saw many white crowned sparrows, adults and immatures.
    Laura Gee
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    Creek had=20
    their monthly birdwalk at Lake Merrit in Oakland.  We saw the =
    reported ducks and waterbirds in residence for the winter:  common=20
    goldeneye, Barrow's goldeneye (1), female tufted duck, pied-billed =
    grebe, eared=20
    grebes, ruddy ducks, canvasbacks, greater and lesser scaup, great and =
    egrets, black-crowned night herons, mallards, great blue egret, Egyptian =
    coots, Canada geese, Herring, ring-billed and glaucous-winged gulls, =
    duck, double crested cormorants.  Most of the ducks were in great =
    on the lake.
    10:00 am I saw a=20
    yellow warbler feeding in the purple salvia at the back of the Nature=20
    Center.  It looked to be a female or immature.  Wouldn't this =
    be an=20
    unusually late sighting for this warbler?  I watched the bird for =
    minutes and left.  When I came back about 10 minutes later, it was=20
    sparrows, adults and=20

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