[EBB Sightings] Lake Temescal - 11/28

[EBB Sightings] Lake Temescal - 11/28

Sun Nov 28 11:01:00 PST 2004
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    Hanno and I went to Lake Temescal this morning.  The previously-reported 
    White-throated Sparrow (a pale brown-superciliary individual) was at the beginning 
    of the trail going up the hillside from the South parking lot (the NW 
    corner).  Two Green Herons were flying across the lake and skulking in the reeds.  
    The two Killdeer were still on the sandy beach, a Lesser Scaup was on the lake, 
    and most striking for me, a Virginia Rail crossed a boardwalk and disappeared 
    into the reeds about 2' in front of my shoes.
    This is in Dave Quady's and my Christmas Count area.  We have never had 
    Virginia Rail in our area on count day, haven't had Killdeer since 1980 or Lesser 
    Scaup since 1977, and very rarely get White-throated Sparrow (6 times in 28 
    years).  The Green Herons are often the only representatives of their species on 
    the count.  It's a long way to count day....  I hope they hold up!!
    By the way, signups for the Oakland Christmas Count were supposed to close 
    yesterday.  Dave and I will be assigning folks to areas next week, so if you've 
    forgotten to do so, go to the GGAS web page, select "birds" and fill out the 
    christmas count form.  It's a lot of fun!
    Bob Lewis
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    ported White-throated Sparrow (a pale brown-superciliary individual) was at=20=
    the beginning of the trail going up the hillside from the South parking lot=20=
    (the NW corner).  Two Green Herons were flying across the lake and skul=
    king in the reeds.  The two Killdeer were still on the sandy beach, a L=
    esser Scaup was on the lake, and most striking for me, a Virginia Rail cross=
    ed a boardwalk and disappeared into the reeds about 2' in front of my shoes.=
    r had Virginia Rail in our area on count day, haven't had Killdeer sinc=
    e 1980 or Lesser Scaup since 1977, and very rarely get White-throated Sparro=
    w (6 times in 28 years).  The Green Herons are often the only represent=
    atives of their species on the count.  It's a long way to count day....=
      I hope they hold up!!
    ose yesterday.  Dave and I will be assigning folks to areas next week,=20=
    so if you've forgotten to do so, go to the GGAS web page, select "birds" and=
     fill out the christmas count form.  It's a lot of fun!

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