[EBB Sightings] Tern help?

[EBB Sightings] Tern help?

Wed Sep 29 21:39:00 PDT 2004
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    Both species breed along the west coast of Mexico, including the Sea of
    Cortez, and then disperse after the breeding season. According to Arnold
    Small (California Birds: Their Status and Distribution, published in 1994),
    Royal Terns �formerly ranged as far north as Marin County, and exceptionally
    to Humboldt County, but numbers have declined in recent years and they are
    now rare north of San Luis Obispo County.� About Elegant Terns, he says
    �Prior to about 1950, there were very few records from California.
    Subsequent flights in 1952, 1955, 1957, and 1959 established that a regular
    pattern was developing, which annually brought large numbers of
    post-breeding Elegant Terns to California from Mexico.�
    This summer and fall, Elegant Terns have been observed by the hundreds and
    sometimes thousands, both in the Bay and along the coast. If I�m not
    mistaken, no Royal Terns have been reported in the SF Bay region this year.
    So going strictly by the numbers, I�d say that Elegant Tern is most
    Bruce Mast
    Oakland, CA
    From: sightings-admin at diabloaudubon.com
    [mailto:sightings-admin at diabloaudubon.com] On Behalf Of Vaughan
    Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 5:25 PM
    To: ebbsightings
    Subject: [EBB Sightings] Tern help?
    This afternoon about 5 PM at Crab Cove in Alameda I saw two terns among the
    Forster's Terns that were larger with white foreheads, black head and
    crest.� One had a yellow beak, the other was a bit on the orange side.�
    Checking my guides they looked like Elegant or Royal Terns.� Peterson says
    of Elegant: "wanders irregularly (mainly Aug.-Oct.) North to San Francisco
    Bay."� Of Royal: "rarely to San Francisco."� Sibley makes no such mention
    and the maps provided indicate neither should be here.� Audubon says of
    Elegant, "winters to North and South....others regularly visiting Northern
    California coast."� Of Royal it says "winters Southern California
    Anyone know what I saw?

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