East Bay Birders Circle

Archive of the EBbird Mailing List
for September 1998

Messages now appear in chronological order. E-mail addresses have been removed to foil the spammers' address-gathering robots. If you want someone's address, contact the list owner, Larry Tunstall as FolkBird on AOL or Best.

Piper Slough  1 Sep 1998 12:24  Steve Glover
Jewel Lake  3 Sep 1998 21:06  Steve Glover
Richmond area  5 Sep 1998 12:52  Steve Glover
Chestnut-sided Warbler, possible Least Flycatcher  8 Sep 1998 16:11  Steve Glover
RE: Chestnut-sided Warbler, possible Least Flycatcher  8 Sep 1998 17:14  Les Chibana
Some Local Stuff  13 Sep 1998 20:13  Denise Wight
Arrowhead Marsh, Hayward Shoreline  14 Sep 1998 20:42  Larry Tunstall
Miller Knox hawkwatch  15 Sep 1998 15:19  Steve Glover
Tilden stuff  17 Sep 1998 13:34  Emilie
Re: Tilden stuff  17 Sep 1998 15:12  Tom Condit
Re: Tilden stuff  17 Sep 1998 16:14  Steve Glover
Miller Knox Hawkwatch  17 Sep 1998 21:37  Steve Glover
Western Tanagers in Martinez  18 Sep 1998 12:48  Denise Wight
Blackpoll Warbler in Berkeley  20 Sep 1998 19:43  Bob Brandriff
Mitchell Canyon  21 Sep 1998 09:02  Scott J. Hein
Miller Knox  21 Sep 1994 14:22  Steve Glover
Acorn Woodpecker  21 Sep 1998 15:23  Rusty Scalf
RE: Acorn Woodpecker  21 Sep 98 16:00  Les Chibana
Acorn Woodpecker at Coyote Hills Park, Fremont  21 Sep 98 20:37  Bill Scoggins
Re: Butterflies, native plants  21 Sep 98 21:30  Tom Condit
Re: Acorn Woodpecker  22 Sep 1998 09:45  Kirk Swenson
Correction re plant sale  22 Sep 1998 14:58  Tom Condit
Re: Correction re plant sale  22 Sep 1998 17:35  Kay Loughman
A 3 pipilo day  22 Sep 1998 21:24  Steve Glover
Ducks at Lake Merritt  23 Sep 1998 14:49  Larry Tunstall
Re: Correction re plant sale  24 Sep 1998 08:49  Tom Condit
Tilden Nature Area birds Tuesday 9.22.98  24 Sep 1998 15:53  Alan Kaplan
Measure W; support your local birds  26 Sep 1998 09:03  Bill Scoggins
Birding in the rain  26 Sep 1998 16:36  Steve Glover
Contra Costa today  27 Sep 1998 17:48  Steve Glover
Today 9/27  27 Sep 1998 20:33  Rusty Scalf
East Bay Shoreline 9/27  27 Sep 1998 21:07  Larry Tunstall
Slate-colored Fox Sparrow  29 Sep 1998 09:58  Emilie
Re: Slate-colored Fox Sparrow  29 Sep 1998 12:35  Joseph Morlan
Plant sales this coming weekend  29 Sep 1998 20:01  Larry Tunstall

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