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Monterey County California Condors
Wed, 1 Sep 1999 09:28:18 PDT
From: Phil Gordon

Greetings East Bay Birders,

Although I've been away on an Ecotour, I havn't seen any messages regarding the new status of the California Condors of Monterey County. Thus, this somewhat lengthy account.

This last weekend a Saturday report of two young California Condors perched above the Peiffer Big Sur State Park Lodge/Restaurant brought my wife, Pat and me to check this out the next day, Sunday, 26 August. There was one condor! when we arrived at 8:40 AM perched on the snaggy top of a Coast Redwood just across the road (north) of the Lodge. For three hours the bird was the source of a lot of delightment for various vacationers including every member of a large bus tour. Our scopes were well used. The occassional "warbling" of a wing and leg would show its patagial wing tag, #71 (released 1.5 years ago). The park has a ranger on duty here who informs people about the condors; and the restaurant operator now keeps a scrapbook on the evolving event.

This bird would be one of twelve (now 10) released near Cone Peak in the Ventana Wilderness Area. They are now being maintained with carrion (carcasses accepted?) supplied on one of the northern ridgetops and coordination from the Condor and Bald Eagle Research Office at the Big Sur Onithology Lab at Andrew Molera State Park (where sightings of flying birds are now regular).

The Sunday bird arrived at 8:10 AM then flew out at about 11:00 AM (the birds the day before left at 9:30 AM).

Many folks have gone to great lengths to get a glimpse of condors (albeit hatch/release), and these are practically in our own back yard! Good luck - bring your camera.

One question: Does anyone have the date of the last wild California Condor seen in the East Bay? I believe it was in Sunol Regional Park. One day we may see them here again.

Phil Gordon

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Great new yard bird
Wed, 01 Sep 1999 18:51:32 -0700
From: Kay Loughman

Hi East Bay Birders,

Migration is on! This afternoon one of my feeders was visited several times by a male Indigo Bunting in mottled winter plumage. The house is on Gravatt Drive, Berkeley. The feeder is on the northeast corner of the house and, regrettably, is not visible from the street. The bird has been persistent; but is easily frightened off by agressive House Finches and Western Scrub-Jays (and also by any movement I make while watching), so my average viewing period is something under 30 seconds.

Kay Loughman

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Re: Cherry-headed Conures in Berkeley?
Wed, 01 Sep 1999 20:00:21 -0700
From: Lillian Fujii

Rebecca Freed wrote:

Does anyone know of resident wild parrots in the East Bay? I saw a pair of them flying around Sixth and Delaware (just below San Pablo) one evening last week. I wonder whether they're recent escapees or if the San Francisco flock is spreading out ...

Hi all. Steve Hayashi frequently drives by the area of 6th and Delaware to get a look at the conures. They are probably the remnants of a once larger flock that used to be seen further north in Berkeley. The last time we went by, a resident told us that only about 4 birds remain. We don't believe that the Coit Tower San Francisco flock (mainly Red-masked, 50+ at last SF Christmas Bird Count) is expanding. We also believe that the Coit Tower flock is/was? being sustained partly with the assistance of Mark Bitner, who used to care for the young and ill. We don't know about current status.

Lillian Fujii

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