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Steller's Jays - here to stay?
Tue, 1 Jun 1999 10:25:43 PDT
From: Doug Greenberg

We all know that this past winter brought a surprising invasion of Steller's jays to some urban areas where previously they were rarely seen. My neighborhood in south Berkeley is one of those areas. Someone had surmised that these birds had migrated from somewhere to the north. Consequently, I expected them to disappear once nesting season rolled around.

Here it is, June 1, and there still are Steller's Jays shrieking crankily in my back yard. Does this mean they are here to stay, you think?

--Doug Greenberg

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Re: Steller's Jays - here to stay?
Tue, 1 Jun 1999 12:58:37 -0700
From: Don Lewis

Yeah, I'm also inundated with Steller's in my Lafayette backyard. Even more than last summer, which was far more than the previous year. I'm one that thinks that at least part of this winter's "invasion" was due to a good breeding year locally, rather than something far afield.

Don Lewis
Lafayette, CA

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Re: Steller's Jays - here to stay?
Tue, 1 Jun 1999 13:35:42 -0700
From: Nancy Harrington

They are still here as well - my husband saw one yesterday in the yard.

Nancy Harrington

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Steller's Jays
Tue, 01 Jun 1999 14:30:58 -0700
From: Rusty Scalf

There are adult Steller's Jays still present in the large Monterey Pines of Pt. Richmond as well.

We are looking for evidence of breeding; so far without luck.

Rusty Scalf

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Re: Steller's Jays - here to stay?
Tue, 1 Jun 1999 14:35:57 PDT
From: Denise Wight

Steller's Jays have not returned to my deck here in Martinez (Morello and Highway 4) since the end of April. The last one I saw in my neighborhood, on 24 April, was very quiet, well hidden, acting nervous and shy. How about sightings from people in the Concord area. Are any still being seen in the flat lands?

Denise Wight

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Re: Steller's Jays here late
Tue, 1 Jun 1999 16:48:25 -0700
From: Rebecca Freed

I saw 3 Steller's Jays at Upper San Leandro Reservoir in Moraga yesterday - I have not seen any recently in the Berkeley flatlands.

Other cool sights at the reservoir yesterday afternoon: two pairs of Tree Swallows seen using nest boxes, two kestrels mobbing a red-tail hawk, two Caspian Terns coursing over the water, a mixed feeding flock of juncos and chickadees, including a couple of juncos in immature plumage, and a very close look at a singing Purple Finch.

Rebecca Freed
Berkeley CA

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Re: Steller's Jays - here to stay?
Tue, 1 Jun 1999 17:37:54 -0700 (PDT)
From: Tom Condit

They've been gone from my yard in Central Berkeley for about a month now, but they were there from late last summer continously until then (sightings every day). They're also very evident in Tilden Park still.

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Steller's Jay breeding confirmation required luck
Tue, 01 Jun 1999 19:24:18 -0700
From: Lillian Fujii

Last year, we were able to confirm Steller's Jay breeding in our Pinole block only because we saw a fledgling once, briefly. The round and very short-tailed fledgling was quickly ordered out of sight by the parent (my interpretation of what I saw). This is inspite of numerous trips to the area, seeing and hearing the birds every time. We never once saw them carrying food or carrying nest material.

This year, we confirmed Steller's Jay breeding in our Hercules block because one day, they were very busy building a nest. No attempt was made by the Jays to be secretive about building the nest. We observed one bird make numerous trips to a nest site with branches, broken off from a nearby coyote bush. After that day, nothing, although the Jays are still around. The nest is well hidden in a Eucalyptus tree.

If the jays are around, I bet they are breeding. At least for us, it took a great deal of luck to confirm.

Lillian Fujii and Steve Hayashi

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Steller's Jays
Tue, 01 Jun 1999 20:51:59 -0700
From: Carole Dahl

I thought I'd add to the Steller's Jay information. We have a Steller's Jay nesting in Orinda under the eves of the house. I haven't been able to count the chicks, but there must be at least 2. The nest is a loosely woven collection of sticks up on a wide beam. The parent sits between the beams next to the nest when the chicks are resting.

Carole Dahl

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Martin Luther King Shoreline, Oakland
Wed, 02 Jun 1999 16:21:36 -0700
From: Courtenay Peddle

Hello folks,

In addition to all the usual suspects today, I had my first White-throated Swift of the season for the shoreline, and an (or perhaps the) Golden Eagle was back, looking to feed on avocet chicks but being mobbed by about 10 adult avocets.

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