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Contra Costa County Little Blue Heron
Thu, 06 May 1999 05:19:28 -0700
From: Mike Feighner

East Bay Birders:

Alert: This the latest update from the Northern California Bird Box (415) 681-7422. It came in about an hour after Adam Winer's transcript update.

Last night Steve Rottenborn who has been doing a survey along the south side of Suisan Bay in Contra Costa County found a Little Blue Heron yesterday morning 5-5-99 at or near a place called Bay-Point. Steve Rottenborn says we may be able to refind the heron if we know where the herons spend time in the area as I assume the heron was found on private property. I for one am not familiar with that area.

I assume, this is a first-county record. There was another Little Blue Heron found recently in Plumas County in Sierra Valley along Dysan Lane, presumable another first-county record.

Steve Glover: Is this Contra Costa Little Blue Heron a first-county record? Comments on where birders should conduct their search to find the Little Blue Heron in the area Steve Rottenborn has described?

Mike Feighner, Livermore, CA

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Re: Contra Costa County Little Blue Heron
Thu, 6 May 1999 09:53:28 PDT
From: Steve Glover

Mike and all,

There was a report of a young Little Blue Heron from Point Isabel, Richmond, a fall or two ago. I was unfamiliar with the observer and have no idea if it was ever documented.

Bay Point is not on many maps because it was formerly known as West Pittsburg. To get to Bay Point you now have to go over the Willow Pass on Hwy 4 as Port Chicago Highway through the Naval Weapons Station was closed a couple of years ago. This bird would be almost impossible to look for as nearly everything out there is on private property. The Weapons Station is huge and full of habitat that you can't get to. All I could suggest is go to Bay Point to where the road is closed and look around. McNabney Marsh, the one by I-680 formerly known as Shell Marsh, is popular with herons but a good 4 to 5 miles away. I would hate to discourage anyone from trying and I hope someone proves me wrong but I think the chances are quite slim.

Good luck,
Steve Glover

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Re: Contra Costa County Little Blue Heron
Thu, 6 May 1999 16:11:49 PDT
From: Steve Glover

Hello again all,

I believe that the record Joe is referring to was from Alameda County on 8/19/1991 and was indeed the same time as the Bar-tailed Godwit. Anna "Willie" Wilcox was credited with the sighting. Unfortunately neither of these birds made the short trek needed to pierce Contra Costa County (at least not while anybody was watching). The report from Contra Costa County was just in the last year or two and in the fall and was from Point Isabel. I'm sure I have it written down somewhere but it could take a while.


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Masked Lovebirds
Sat, 08 May 1999 08:48:27 -0700
From: Mike Feighner

East Bay Birders:

Three of the Masked Lovebirds are back along my street here in Livermore this morning. I wonder where they are coming from?

Mike Feighner, Livermore, CA

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