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Re: [CALBIRD] RFI Tufted Duck(s)
Wed, 27 Jan 1999 04:29:56 -0800
From: Mike Feighner


I am replying to you with a CC to South-Bay-Birds, East-Bay-Birds, and SF-Birds with the hope that someone in any of these groups will have the information you need.

Mike Feighner, Livermore, CA

Lynea Hinchman wrote:

Hi All,

I'm flying into San Jose on Thursday and hope to see the male Tufted Duck at Emery Point. There have been no recent updates on this or the other TUDUs. Please respond and let me know where and when Tufted Ducks are being seen. Is there still one at Lake Merritt and what about the ones at Sunnyvale? Any other TUDUs that I might need to know about just in case I miss these?

I depart before most of you will be awake on Thursday (central time) and will check my email last on Wednesday.

Thanks for the help.

Lynea Hinchman
Michigan City, IN

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Fwd: [CALBIRD] RFI Tufted Duck(s)
Wed, 27 Jan 1999 09:35:03 -0800
From: Don Lewis

You may have seen this on Calbird. Please forgive the duplication. I've been helping Lynea a bit with her trip. If anyone can update her today, it would be very nice, especially concerning whether the TUDU has been seen north of Point Emery since last Thursday.

Don Lewis
Lafayette, CA

-----Original Message-----

Hi All,

I'm flying into San Jose on Thursday and hope to see the male Tufted Duck at Emery Point. There have been no recent updates on this or the other TUDUs. Please respond and let me know where and when Tufted Ducks are being seen. Is there still one at Lake Merritt and what about the ones at Sunnyvale? Any other TUDUs that I might need to know about just in case I miss these?

I depart before most of you will be awake on Thursday (central time) and will check my email last on Wednesday.

Thanks for the help.

Lynea Hinchman
Michigan City, IN

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Re: [CALBIRD] RFI Tufted Duck(s)
Wed, 27 Jan 1999 10:12:04 -0800
From: Kirk Swenson

As far as I know, these are the recent Tufted Duck reports in the bay area, taken mostly from Adam Winer's transcriptions with some personal experience thrown in.

12/20/98 Lake Merritt (Oakland CBC)
         Tufted Duck reported on the Oakland CBC

 1/ 1/99 Las Gallinas Valley Water District Ponds (Bill Wilson)
         male TUFTED DUCK in the easternmost pond

 1/ 2/99 San Rafael (Kirk Swenson, Ellen Blustein, South Marin CBC)
         male and female Tufted Ducks seen in scaup flock at Shoreline
         Park just north of the Marin Rod & Gun Club

 1/ 5/99 Emeryville
         male Tufted Duck at Point Emery (Kirk Swenson)

 1/ 6/99 Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant (Steve Rottenborn)
         two female TUFTED DUCKS on the larger of the two ponds

 1/21/99 Berkeley/Emeryville (Florence Bennett)
         a TUFTED DUCK was still along the frontage road just north
         of the Ashby Avenue exit off I-80 (This area is just north
         of Point Emery. The scaup flock moves around on both sides
         of the Emeryville/Berkeley border.)

It is likely that the Emeryville Tufted Duck has been and continues to be in the Emeryville vicinity. I know several birders who have tried for it and missed, however, so it must move around enough to make it a challenge to find.

I hope this helps.

Kirk Swenson

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Richmond Point 1/29/99
Sat, 30 Jan 1999 15:20:26 -0800 (PST)
From: Richard Mix

This Friday afternoon we explored Richmond point, starting with Brickyard Cove. There seems to be a lot of building going on, and we wondered about access - while pedestrians were plentiful and happily ignoring the no trespassing and no loitering signs, I had the impression of a gated comunity in the making. From the car we had Clark's, Western and Horned (to go by the flat headtops of 4 birds that showed a great variety of neck markings) grebes, [Double-crested] Cormorant, Surf Scoters, scaup, [American] Coots, Mallards, Buffleheads, and Ruddy Ducks, Ring-billed and Western Gulls, Least Tern, Snowy and [Great] Egrets, Sandpipers, a Sanderling, Killdeer, Black-bellied Plover, Black Turnstone, Long-billed Curlew, Willet.

A [Turkey Vulture] and two Crows were plucking a male Bufflehead inland; I wonder if it died of natural causes? Black Phoebe, [Ruby-crowned] Kinglet, White-crowned and Golden-crowned Sparrows, towhee and mockingbird were also present.

At Ferry Point we glimpsed a bird on the rocks: I thought the bill was too short for a tattler and Ann thought it was too long for a Surfbird; the light was too uncertain to be sure of the yellow color on the bill. The first thing we noticed about the bird, aside from the shockingly yellow legs, was its constant tail-bobbing, a habit not mentioned in any of our guidebooks.

At Miller/Knox lagoon were many of the same ducks as well as a huge flock of American Wigeons, Anna's Hummingbird and a Redtail [Red-tailed Hawk]; at Keller beach picked up Hermit Thrush and Mourning Dove.

Richard Mix, El Cerrito

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