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[SFBirds] Re: San Francisco Xmas Count
Wed, 16 Dec 1998 23:59:37 -0800
From: Graham Etherington

Hi East-Bay Birders,

I am forwarding this email from SF Birds listserv. If you are interested in doing the SF CBC then please reply directly to Alan Hopkins at:

Dear e-mail Birdwatchers,

The San Francisco Christmas Bird Count is scheduled for Tuesday, December 29. Please join us as we attempt to count all the birds from San Bruno to the Golden Gate. We are looking for people to count birds all day, in parks downtown at lunch, or in their yards. With the efforts of people who take a few minutes off to check the birds around their home or work site we can gain a much more accurate picture of our bird distribution. This year we are also offering an easy paced half day area for folks who aren't up to a full days birding. The half day team is in an area with great views and varied habitats.

Please complete the attached form and return it to us by Monday, December 7. Send the Completed form to:

Alan Hopkins
1200-15th Ave. #1
San Francisco, CA 94122

San Francisco CBC areas usually fill early, we can not guarantee placement of people who apply after the deadline. Please direct inquires to Alan at (415) 664-0983 or e- mail

As far as we know the participant's fee will be $5.00, however that is subject to change based on information we will receive from National Audubon. Please pay your leader on the day of the count.

The countdown dinner will be held at the San Francisco County Fair Building (the Hall of Flowers), at 9th Ave. and Lincoln Way in Golden Gate Park. Because we are still trying to locate a caterer for the dinner, the dinner price has not been established. We hope to make dinner plentiful and affordable

Alan Hopkins, Dan Murphy
(415) 664-0983

Please "Return", "Quote" the form below. Answer the questons and e-mail to

San Francisco Christmas Bird Count Tuesday, December 29, 1998

Phone Days:
Phone Eves:
San Francisco Bay Area Contact if visiting
Phone Days:
Phone Eves:

Please the names and addresses and phone numbers of friends who will join the count

I can participate in the following ways:
I will lead a party___
I will count all day___
I can bring a scope___
Count the birds in my yard____
Look for owls before dawn___
Count from a ocean or bay boat___
Provide an ocean boat or bay boat___
Count only part of the day : from_______to________

Have you participated in the S.F CBC before? ___
Last year the area I counted was :__________________________________
Have you participated in other Christmas bird Counts?
Would you like to join the half-day team?

My birdwatching skills are: beginning__,fair___,good____ (can ID gulls, shorebirds, warblers & sparrows)

Please reserve _______ spaces for the countdown dinner.

Mail this e-form to: Alan Hopkins,

Alan Hopkins
San Francisco

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