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Re: Steller's Jay
Sat, 24 Oct 1998 15:50:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: Tom Condit

We had them regularly in our back yard at Cedar & Grant Streets in Berkeley, although I never saw one in fifteen years at Virginia & Grant (a block away). It seems to me that they stay near the partly-open creek paths in the flatlands, but that may be just an inaccurate impression.

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San Leandro Reservoir
Sun, 25 Oct 1998 16:31:29 -0800
From: Larry Tunstall

Bob Lewis forwards the following information about this weekend's fieldtrips for the Albany Adult School class taught by him and Rusty Scalf. Both trips were scheduled for Upper San Leandro Reservoir, but the Saturday group was rained out. Sunday was bright and clear, and 35 participants had good looks at many species. Highlights included several very good looks at Red-breasted Sapsucker, and a Hermit Warbler in the pine woodland on the way to the reservoir, in a flock of mixed kinglets and Townsend's Warblers; Ring-necked Ducks on the reservoir; and bluebirds exploring a nesting box in October!

Pied-billed Grebe 3, Double-crested Cormorant 3, Great Blue Heron 1, Great Egret 2, Snowy Egret 1, Black-crowned Night-Heron 1, Canada Goose 100, Mallard 8, Northern Pintail 2, Gadwall 40, American Wigeon 4, Ring-necked Duck 10, Ruddy Duck 2, Turkey Vulture 3, Cooper's Hawk 1, Red-shouldered Hawk 1, Red-tailed Hawk 3, American Kestrel 2, American Coot 60, Killdeer 4, Greater Yellowlegs 2, Spotted Sandpiper 3, Least Sandpiper 3, Mourning Dove 2, Anna's Hummingbird 1, Belted Kingfisher 1, Red-breasted Sapsucker 5, Nuttall's Woodpecker 1, Northern Flicker 12, Black Phoebe 6, Steller's Jay 6, Western Scrub-Jay 6, Chestnut-backed Chickadee 20, Oak Titmouse 4, Red-breasted Nuthatch 20, Brown Creeper 3, Bewick's Wren 2, Winter Wren 2, Golden-crowned Kinglet 2, Ruby-crowned Kinglet 20, Western Bluebird 5, Hermit Thrush 5, American Robin 2, Wrentit heard, Northern Mockingbird 1, Yellow-rumped Warbler 25, Townsend's Warbler 5, Hermit Warbler 1, Spotted Towhee 5, California Towhee 5, Fox Sparrow 2, Song Sparrow 6, Golden-crowned Sparrow 20, White-crowned Sparrow 10, Dark-eyed Junco 25, Western Meadowlark 6, House Finch 10, Lesser Goldfinch 10, American Goldfinch 2.

Posted to EBbird by Larry Tunstall

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Lake Merritt report
Tue, 27 Oct 1998 20:08:30 -0800
From: Larry Tunstall

This afternoon at Lake Merritt in the vicinity of the islands, I saw about 200 Ruddy Ducks, about 20 scaups (looked like mostly male Lesser to me), at least 5 Canvasbacks (both sexes), and 3 male and 2 female Buffleheads. Of course, the usual mobs of American Coots, Mallards, Canada Geese, Double-crested Cormorants, and Black-crowned Night-Herons, with some Great Egrets, Pied-billed Grebes, [Brown Pelicans,] and lots of Ring-billed Gulls.

Larry Tunstall
El Cerrito CA

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Tue, 27 Oct 1998 20:20:20 -0800
From: Rusty Scalf

There were three Redheads, two drakes and a duck, at the middle pond of Aquatic Park in Berkeley today.

Rusty Scalf
Berkeley, Ca

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