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List mom on vacation
Wed, 5 Aug 1998 20:08:15 -0700
From: Larry Tunstall

I'm going to be away for three weeks starting tomorrow. Thus far, the list has functioned fine on automatic pilot, so I think I'll just leave it unattended and assume that all will be well. You can still post messages and use any of the commands to the automated list program. However, I won't get messages posted onto the website until I return.

Hoping to add several new lifebirds as we travel to Ohio and Mississippi and back. I hope you have a great month here also.

Best wishes,

Larry Tunstall
El Cerrito CA

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Re: Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Thu, 6 Aug 1998 12:40:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: Tom Condit

Also, although this will do absolutely no good for a single bird in a museum (alive or dead), they have somewhat different songs and slightly different nesting cycles.

Joseph Morlan wrote:

Steve Glover wrote:
Does anyone know a good source for the separation of eastern and western? I have no idea how to tell them apart.

See "A Reassessment of the taxonomic status of the Yellow-billed Cuckoo" by Franzreb and Laymon (Western Birds 24:17-28, 1993).

Also a complex formula which separates 75 to 90% of known sex birds is on page 56 of Identification Guide to North American Birds - Part I  by Peter Pyle (1997 Slate Creek Press).

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Wandering Tattler
Sun, 9 Aug 1998 20:43:36 PDT
From: Steve Glover

East Bay Birders,
This morning we made a quick stop at the Richmond Marina to scope Brooks Is[land]. The fog and chilly winds drove us out after about 10 minutes but we did manage a few birds. There were 2 Common Loons in the marina, 1 ad[ult] and 1 win[ter] plumage bird. This is apparently a new high summer count for the county. The breakwater at the mouth of the harbor had a Black Oystercatcher and a Wandering Tattler. The birds on and near the island resisted identification because of fog and heatwaves. To get to this spot exit I-580 at Marina Bay Parkway and go west (left). Turn right on Regatta. Go all the way to the T intersection and go left. Turn into the lot for the harbormasters office and park. Walk along the edge of the harbor to the bay. A scope is an absolute must here and early morning light is much preferable.

Steve Glover

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What I saw on my summer vacation - NOTE: Not about the East Bay
Mon, 17 Aug 1998 10:09:59 -0700
From: Rebecca Freed

Apologies in advance if this is not an OK use of this mailing list.

Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
  Bald Eagle
  Aleutian Terns
  Bank Swallow
  Glaucous-winged Gulls
  Common Murres
  Common Loon
  Common Redpoll
  Pine Grosbeak
  Alder Flycatcher
  Hermit Thrush
  Golden-crowned Sparrow
  Lesser Yellowlegs
  Trumpeter Swan

Kachemak Bay, Alaska
  Horned Puffins
  Tufted Puffins
  Pigeon Guillemots
  Black-legged Kittiwakes
  Glaucous-winged Gulls
  Varied Thrush
  Pine Siskins
  Three-toed Woodpecker
  Steller's Jay (very vocal juvenile)
  Black-billed Magpie
  Fox Sparrow

Denali National Park, Alaska   Gray Jay
  Dark-eyed Junco, Oregon subspecies
  Dark-eyed Junco, slate-colored subspecies
  White-Crowned Sparrow
  Boreal Chickadee
  Mew Gull
  Long-tailed Jaeger
  2 Golden Eagle chicks on nest
  Cliff Swallows
  Willow Ptarmigan

Fjords National Park, Alaska
  Black Oystercatcher

Rebecca Freed
Berkeley, CA

Subject List

Question re: birding the Emeryville Crescent
Mon, 17 Aug 1998 10:13:02 -0700
From: Rebecca Freed

Where's the best access to the Emeryville Crescent? I'd like to get a better look at all the shorebirds I've seen from the freeway lately.

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Re: Question re: birding the Emeryville Crescent
Mon, 17 Aug 1998 13:52:47 -0700
From: Kay Loughman

Just drive straight down Powell Street, go under the freeway, and past the Holiday Inn. Park on either side of the street. If you walk on down, toward the fire station, you may see Turnstones in the rocks. If you walk even further down - to the last row of apartments on Captain (?) drive, and over to the north side of the Emeryville peninsula, you can find Spotted Sandpiper most any time, and Wandering Tattler during migration.

Have fun!

Kay Loughman

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Re: Question re: birding the Emeryville Crescent
Mon, 17 Aug 1998 17:31:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: Tom Condit

I have 126 species on my Emeryville list from when I was working there for ten years. The fall shorebird migration should be starting by now, then later will be ducks, loons, grebes, etc. There was a path along the crescent south from Powell Street, but I think it's been destroyed by the freeway construction. South of Powell Street will be heavy concentrations of dowitchers, greater and lesser (rare) yellowlegs, both turnstones, sanderlings, spotted sandpiper, egrets, as well as kites, kestrels and occasional northern harriers. At the park at the end you'll get black-crowned night heron, red knot (rare), five species of grebe. Loons are out bayward (common) and in the marina area (pacific, arctic). Double-crested, pelagic and (occasional) brandt's cormorants are also here.

Except for a couple of weeks in July when it's a real drought, this is a great all-year birding area.

Tom C.

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Re: Question re: birding the Emeryville Crescent
Tue, 18 Aug 1998 04:48:53 PDT
From: Joseph Morlan

In addition to the Powell Street access, there is access to the southern part of the crescent from the Bay Bridge Toll Plaza. As you approach the plaza, stay in the right lane and follow the signs to the "radio stations." That should put you on a frontage road on the north side of the freeway. You can park along the frontage road and access the salt marsh through a few fishing access trails.

With a good scope, this can be a fantastic spot for roosting terns and shorebirds. There is a small point covered with weeds where you can view the exposed high tide roosts which are just to the north. Large numbers of Elegant Terns should be present now and in past years rarities such as Arctic Tern, Magnificent Frigatebird, Golden Plover and Semipalmated Sandpiper have been seen there. Least Terns and Red Knots are frequently seen.

During the winter, high tides may force rails, including Clapper Rail from the marsh.

If you continue straight along the frontage road, you will get to an access point where you can scope the bay. During the winter, Oldsquaws and other rare ducks are sometimes seen there.

This area is noisy from freeway traffic and may be affected by constructions. There used to be "no trespassing" signs barring access out the road to the north which goes to the tall towers and the old duck club, but you can still see a lot from the public portions of the road.

For some reason, this area no longer receives the attention from birders that it used to 10 or 20 years ago.
Joseph Morlan, Pacifica, CA 94044
SF Birding Classes begin Sept 9th
California Bird Records Committee

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