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Hayward Regional Shoreline
Sat, 17 Jul 2004 00:40:48 -0700 (GMT-07:00)
From: Bob Richmond

Friday afternoon at the Hayward Regional Shoreline the following was seen -

Other birds at Franks Dump West included Red Knots, Least Tern, Sanderlings, Snowy Plover, etc


Subject Index

Re: Black Skimmer at San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge
Sat, 17 Jul 2004 11:38:04 -0700
From: Laura Gee

Hi EBB Birders,

On Saturday, July 3, I was with a group of birders from Wild Bird Center, Walnut Creek, on our monthly field trip and also saw Black Skimmers. We were at Mountain View Shoreline Park, at the west edge of Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Shoreline at the east end of San Antonio Rd on the Peninsula. First we saw a single Black Skimmer, and then farther along the trail to the east on a small island off the shore we saw a pair of skimmers with a chick. There were also Forster's Terns and chicks nesting on the same island. Also sighted were the other usual shorebirds, but the skimmers were the highlight of the trip. Glad to hear there's one still there.

Laura Gee
Walnut Creek

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Feather mystery solved
Sat, 17 Jul 2004 13:16:51 -0700
From: Terry Coddington

Tuesday - large black, square-tipped feathers in yard, some with white edges.

Wednesday - while trying to decide between corvids or Turkey Vultures, I find a pair of young Wild Turkeys in the patio.

Thursday - young turkeys are now resting on the patio railing and (apparently) roosting on the flat roof of our house.

Friday - while calculating possible damage to birdseed bill, today brings no sign of the two 2.5-foot-tall, (estimated) 10-pound birds.

But I now have a fine collection of barred, and/or metallically-iridescent turkey feathers, some close-up pictures, and a new entry for the yard list for this Berkeley neighborhood at Campus Dr & Avenida Dr.

Terry Coddington

Subject Index

Golden Eagle over Oakland
Sat, 17 Jul 2004 14:05:26 -0700
From: Roy McCandless

Golden Eagle circling to gain altitude over Oakland somewhere around Hwy 580 & Park Blvd - maybe further to the southeast. About 1:30 PM Saturday.

Subject Index

Hayward Regional Shoreline
Sat, 17 Jul 2004 20:32:03 -0700 (GMT-07:00)
From: Rusty Scalf

Made an afternoon visit to Hayward Regional Shoreline today, 3 to 6 PM.

Highlights were 3 Baird's Sandpipers not far from the visitor's center and 11 Least Terns foraging in the channel just as the trail meets the Bay and bends north. Lots of shorebirds of all kinds and in beautiful plumage, including at least 5 Red Knot, one of which was quite American Robin-like. Now is a great time to look at returning shorebirds. Western Sandpipers still have the beautiful rust on shoulders and heads, Black-bellied Plover still have black bellies. Really nice. I just wish I had the dowitchers straight.....

Rusty Scalf

Subject Index

Albany shoreline
Sun, 18 Jul 2004 16:38:48 -0700
From: Bob Brandriff

Barbara and I had time for a brief stop at the Albany mudflats this morning around 10 AM. Tide was really low with only distant shorebirds visible. We decided to walk along the rocky shore just north of the beach at the northwest corner of the racetrack parking lot and were rewarded with good looks at a Wandering Tattler in breeding plumage, the first time we've seen one in that plumage. It was heavily barred and, to me, seemed a bit more brown than is shown in the Sibley guide but that may have been the lighting.

Bob Brandriff
Berkeley, CA

Subject Index

Yard birds in Livermore
Mon, 19 Jul 2004 20:59:31 -0700
From: Steve Huckabone

For the second time in two weeks I saw a Peregrine Falcon soaring over my neighborhood in Livermore. This evening the falcon was soaring in big circles moving slowing northward.

Yesterday afternoon I had an Osprey pass over my house going south.

Good birding.
Steve Huckabone
Alameda County
Livermore California

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