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Tilden Regional Park Nature Area, Berkeley Hills
Wed, 31 Mar 2004 12:12:27 -0800 (PST)
From: John Poole

Dear Birders:

This morning I visited Tilden Nature Area (Berkeley Hills) to check out returning migrants. There were many Wilson's Warblers, a few Warbling Vireos, and about 5 singing Black-headed Grosbeaks.

I checked the Marin Breeding Bird Atlas. Black-headed grosbeaks (according to data from 1972 through 1984) arrive in Northern California from March 28 through April 8 with an average date of April 3. Southern California dates are about a week earlier.

Good birding!
John Poole

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Color-banded warblers in Tilden Nature Area
Wed, 31 Mar 2004 12:54:39 -0800
From: Ted Robertson

Does anyone know who is doing a color-banding study of warblers in Tilden Nature Area? This morning at 9:00 AM, I spotted a Wilson's Warbler with a red (lower) and yellow (upper) bands on the left leg, about 100 yards south of Jewel Lake, just west of the dirt road/trail. I'm assuming it is a nesting study.

A pair of male/female Buffleheads continue at Jewel Lake.


Ted Robertson
Lawrence Hall of Science
University of California, Berkeley, CA

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Re: Color-banded warblers in Tilden Nature Area
Wed, 31 Mar 2004 14:48:53 -0800
From: Kay Loughman

That would be William Gilbert of Lafayette - who may be a subscriber to EBB. Bill has been studying and banding Wilson's Warblers in Tilden Nature Area for quite a few years.

Kay Loughman

Editor's Note:  See this message and other subsequent EBB messages from Bill Gilbert for more information.

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