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Western Screech-Owl (?) at Briones Regional Park
Fri, 13 Jun 2003 10:54:28 -0700
From: Kitty O'Neil

Went for a quick walk at Briones Regional Park from the Bear Creek Rd entrance on the trail toward the Archery Range and saw a little owl sleeping in a hole in a tree. Western Screech-Owl, I suppose.

Also saw lots of California Quail and the Acorn Woodpeckers.

What a nice walk!


To see the owl: From last parking lot on right, follow the trail (there's a sign) to the Archery Range. After the first low hairpin curve in the woods, the trail climbs to a second hairpin curve (the last before the trail opens into the cow fields). Between the hairpins is a rogue yellow gate on the left side of the trail. On the right side of the trail are three madrones in a row. The owl is in the third in the trunk closest to the trail. The hole is just where the tree starts branching out and getting leafy. I saw an obvious little head that looked like a cat with its eyes closed.

Editor's Note: This owl has been there for some years, and it is indeed a Western Screech-Owl. It usually scrunches down out of sight when people on foot come near its tree. --Larry

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Hooded Oriole in Hayward
Fri, 13 Jun 2003 16:42:10 -0700
From: Frano

I'm late with this posting, so please excuse the delay, but I was visited in my backyard by a beautiful male Hooded Oriole last Sunday. He sat on top of my house (antenna) for about 5 minutes, gave a few quiet chatters and left, never to be seen again. I hope someone else was also honored with his presence.


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Green Herons in Moraga
Fri, 13 Jun 2003 20:12:41 -0700
From: Judi Cooper

I checked out the Moraga Country Club pond and wanted to report that there were 3 Green Herons fishing on the edge in the tall grass that wasn't mowed. One looked like a juvenile and 2 were adults.

They are so close and seem unaffected by cars or people that one can really see or photograph them well.

Judi Cooper

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Concert terns
Fri, 13 Jun 2003 23:54:6 -0700
From: Terry Coddington

Dear EBBers,

Late this afternoon, the Regional Parks system and various Alameda groups sponsored a concert at Crab Cove. This is EBB news because the pre-concert show featured five to six least terns "plunge-diving" into the Crab Cove mudflats, pulling out of their dives just in time to snatch invisible (to me) prey off the flats. Quite a sight and very balletic.

Terry Coddington

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Indigo Bunting continues in Briones Regional Park
Sat, 14 Jun 2003 13:15:00 -0700
From: Bob Power

Hi all:

At Briones Regional Park, I saw the Indigo Bunting today at about 9:30 AM First seen on June 5th by the Bakers and seen again on the 10th by Judy Sierra, the Bunting remains in the area near the cross of Briones Valley Trail and Old Briones Rd. I first saw it as it began singing from the trees above the west edge of the cattle corral. The bird then flew east about two hundred yards to a clump of thistle where it foraged/perched for a few minutes. The bird then flew back to the south end of the corral and disappeared into the trees.

A Great Horned Owl was inspired to hoot twice from the corner of Black Oak Trail and Briones Valley Trail. It then took the oath of silence.

I got the "scrunched down out of sight" version of the Western Screech-Owl. No view, if there was an owl there. Pretty madrone however. And a Wilson's Warbler, a bevy of Bushtits, and a Warbling Vireo for my time and effort.

Good Birding,
Bob Power
Oakland, CA
Alameda County

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Warbling Vireo in Del Valle Regional Park
Sat, 14 Jun 2003 16:22:44 -0700
From: Gary & Michelle Baker

Heard a Warbling Vireo in the oaks just north of the Ardilla group campsite on the picnic area on the southwest shore of Lake Del Valle in Del Valle Regional Park southeast of Livermore. Quite a lot of singing; sounded like a cross between a Swainnson's Thrush and a House Finch. After watching a while we caught it moving and got a good look.

A new species identification for Michelle and I.

Good Birding,
Gary and Michelle

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