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Re: Dove in Tilden Regional Park Nature Area
Tue, 06 May 2003 06:38:20 -0700
From: John Poole

I checked out the area near Little Farm in Tilden Nature Area last evening in search of the Eurasian Collared Dove with no luck. Lots of Mourning Doves calling.

I note that McCaskie (Birds of Northern California) doesn't mention any record of the collared dove. Of course that book is now quite out of date (1979). Sibley shows a population around the Los Angeles area. I wonder if it could have come from there?

John Poole

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Band-tailed Pigeons nesting east of Redwood Regional Park
Tue, 6 May 2003 07:32:56 -0700
From: Roger Hartwell

Speaking of Columbids.... There are many Band-tailed Pigeons nesting in the redwoods between East Ridge Trail and Pinehurst Road. It's East Bay Municipal Utility District land, but with an EBMUD trail permit (call 510.287.0459) you can go on Redwood Trail as it passes through this zone on it's way toward the Canyon Y, the Valle Vista Staging Area (EBMUD) above Upper San Leandro Reservoir, and the Canyon Loop Trail. All of these areas are avian-rich and the proximity of the reservoir increases diversity.

Roger Hartwell
EBMUD Fisheries & Wildlife

Subject Index

Black-headed Grosbeak in Hayward yard
Tue, 6 May 2003 08:13:40 -0700
From: Frano

I must add my name to the many who have spotted a Black-headed Grosbeak to my yard list. It sat in the lemon tree right outside my window less than 4 feet away. Even my wife who isn't a real bird aficionado, was wowed by her beauty.

I have had the rascal cowbirds at both houses I have lived in for the last 6 years. Pretty song, but I wish they were infertile.

Has anyone seen the Red-shouldered Hawks' nest at Sunol lately? I saw her sitting some 3 or 4 weeks ago.

Good birding,

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Black-headed Grosbeak in Berkeley yard
Tue, 6 May 2003 09:29:26 -0700
From: Becky Osborn-Coolidge

For the past week we have had a beautiful male Black-headed Grosbeak in our yard 6 blocks north of the UC Berkeley campus, eating sunflower seeds, drinking from the birdbath and singing. We also saw the female briefly but she has not been around since the first day. Would they be nesting?

Becky Osborn-Coolidge

Subject Index

8 Black-headed Grosbeaks in Pleasanton yard
Tue, 06 May 2003 09:41:22 -0700
From: JoAnna Dixon

I could not believe my eyes when I saw six male and two female Black-headed Grosbeak at my Pleasanton feeder last week. Since then there have been regular visits by one or two at a time on a daily basis.

I, too, have a pesky cowbird!


Subject Index

Yellow-headed Blackbird at Hayward Regional Shoreline
Tue, 6 May 2003 09:47:32 -0700
From: Emily Serkin

Hello Birders.

This morning I accessed the Hayward Regional Shoreline from the end of Lewelling Blvd. A Yellow-headed Blackbird, a male, was foraging next to the concrete trail - until some people walked by - just north of where the trail takes a 90 degree turn to the north.

Good birding,
Emily Serkin

Subject Index

Black-crowned Night-Heron & Winter Wren in Tilden Nature Area
Tue, 06 May 2003 12:35:14 -0700
From: Doug Vaughan

A Black-crowned Night-Heron, at Jewel Lake, was new for me at that location. And I had seen Winter Wrens, this one singing away across the main fire road from the Visitor Center, only in winter. The Contra Costa Breeding Bird Atlas, however, says I shouldn't be surprised if the bird is nesting there.

Doug Vaughan

Subject Index

Black-headed Grosbeak in Oakland yard
Tue, 06 May 2003 17:27:30 -0700
From: Tarra Lyons

I saw a lone male Black-headed Grosbeak yesterday morning trying to hop on to my feeder but a cowbird kept chasing him off. He waited patiently for a snack but to no avail. I have never seen such a bird, especially in my backyard (Rockridge area of Oakland) so at first I thought he might be an oriole after the raisins in the feeder but the stubby beak crossed him off of that list so I looked him up in Sibley's. I was pretty sure then but feel great that others have seen them! (Clearly, I am new at this) - Thrilling!


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Great Horned Owl in Orinda
Tue, 06 May 2003 22:21:18 -0700
From: Kitty O'Neil

I know this is our common neighborhood owl, but what a sight! Tonight at 8:15 (still light out) as I turned onto my street (north Orinda) I saw it fly to the top of a fruit tree. It looked around, preened, and just sat for about 5 minutes. The whole time another bird was desperately squawking (a Spotted Towhee?). Not quite a yard bird but 3 houses down!

Ted Pierce (my first birding instructor) said you have to look at about 5,000 trees before you see an owl, so you might as well get started. I look everyday. Guess I have to reset my tree counter! Birding Rocks!

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Bayfront Park, Pinole
Fri, 9 May 2003 14:57:54 -0700
From: Terry Coddington

Dear EBBers,

My quickie trip to Pinole's Bayfront Park on Wednesday provided three American White Pelicans floating just offshore, some small groups of distant shorebirds at the low-tide level, and nest-building activity by Barn Swallows, Lesser Goldfinch, and Rock Dove.

Terry Coddington

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