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Pygmy Nuthatches in Oakland Hills
Fri, 15 Nov 2002 08:54:01 -0800
From: Judith Dunham

Reading the discussion of Pygmy Nuthatches, I want to note that there was a nice-sized flock working the stand of Monterrey pines where Claremont Canyon Regional Preserve meets the UC Berkeley ecological preserve - specifically above the jogging track at the Clark Kerr campus. (It's a hard location to describe.) This spot is actually in Oakland, and the trees are alongside a well-landscaped house at the top of the hill. This was three weeks ago this weekend, and I did not think to report the sighting. There were about 8 nuthatches, easy to see as they foraged in the trees, plus a few Ruby-crowned Kinglets along for company. By the way, this canyon above the Claremont Hotel is a good place for California Thrasher - which I've seen there every year.

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Barrow's Goldeneyes near Martinez
Fri, 15 Nov 2002 11:36:46 PST
From: Steve Glover

Hi all,

Yesterday morning, November 14, I spent about a half-hour watching a flock of 50 Barrow's Goldeneyes at Martinez Regional Shoreline. To view the goldeneye flock, which seems to wander widely, walk the path west. Well over 100 birds have wintered in the area in recent years and more birds can often be scoped from Carquinez Straits Regional Shoreline to the west.

The scaup flock, right now less than 150 birds, is not as large as it will get in the next month or so and there was no Tufted Duck in there yet. Most birds appeared to be Greater Scaups though some Lesser Scaups were also present.

There was also an elephant seal hauled out on a large green buoy, it's voice carrying for miles.


Steve Glover

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Pygmy Nuthatch in Walnut Creek yard
Mon, 18 Nov 2002 15:49:01 -0800 (PST)
From: Diane Perry

Just to let you know, I had a sole Pygmy Nuthatch hanging out in/around my backyard for about 3 weeks, eating the fallen sunflower chips under my bird feeders, and amusing me hopping hyperly head-first down the trunk of my Cypress pine tree. I have been told by birders more expert than I, that this is unusual but not completely impossible. I live in Walnut Creek, right below Shell Ridge (on the northeast side), and have quite a few pine trees in my backyard.

Diane Perry

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Western Tanager in Pleasanton
Wed, 20 Nov 2002 12:47:05 -0800
From: Derek Heins

Jogging today on the path that runs along Del Valle Creek behind Bernal Business Park off Hwy 680 in Pleasanton, I heard a Western Tanager calling. I stopped and was rewarded with an adult in very clear view right off the path.

Also, on a hike early Saturday morning at Briones Reservoir starting at the Overlook Staging Area walking east I heard and saw a pair of Winter Wrens. The fog was so heavy I could barely make out the waterfowl on the reservoir. I also had a Red-breasted Sapsucker on the Oursan Trail near San Pablo Reservoir.

Derek Heins

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Harlequin Duck and raptors at Brooks Island
Wed, 20 Nov 2002 19:00:11 -0800
From: Bob Battagin

Hi Birders,

Deborah Fitzpatrick and I canoed around Brooks Island Regional Preserve off the mouth of Richmond Marina Bay this morning. The drake Harlequin Duck earlier reported by Steve Glover was still hanging out with Greater Scaup between the Richmond Marina and Brooks Island. Also in this channel were Common Loon, Common Goldeneye, Clark's Grebe, Western Grebe, Horned Grebe, and Bufflehead.

As we circled the island we were somewhat surprised to see so many raptors: White-tailed Kite, Red-tailed Hawk, Cooper's Hawk, and an American Kestrel ... along with a couple of Turkey Vultures.

On various exposed rocks around the perimeter of the island we got great looks at Black Turnstones and Black Oystercatchers.

This terrific weather made for a fun November outing. The species count was 40.

Bob Battagin

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Raptors and Hooded Mergansers in Alameda County
Wed, 20 Nov 2002 20:14:24 -0800
From: Steve Huckabone

What a great weekend for raptors! Through the course of the weekend I saw: Golden Eagle, Red-tailed Hawk, Red-shouldered Hawk, Turkey Vulture, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Copper's Hawk, Northern Harrier, Peregrine Falcon, Merlin, American Kestrel and White-tailed Kite. All in Alameda county except for the peregrine which was in Santa Clara County at Coyote Creek Field Station near Alviso.

Also of local interest there were approximately 30 Hooded Mergansers at the Wente Golf Course lake on Arroyo Rd south of Livermore. Last winter I recall about 6 to 10 Hooded Mergansers at this pond.

Good Birding,
Steve Huckabone
Alameda County
Livermore, Ca

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Spotted Towhee in Pleasanton yard
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 15:12:40 -0800
From: Rich Cimino

This morning in my back yard, I had a first time Spotted Towhee. It was feeding with the three Fox Sparrows still present in my yard.

Rich Cimino
Pleasanton, Cal.

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Harlequin Duck near Richmond Marina Bay
Fri, 22 Nov 2002 22:17:25 -0800
From: Dave Quady

Hi, EBBers:

At 4:30 this afternoon the alternate-plumaged male Harlequin Duck was visible from the small park [Sheridan Point Park] at the end of Harbour Way in Richmond, about 200 yards offshore in the general direction of Brooks Island. It paddled about on the surface for a minute or more, affording fine views in the fading afternoon light.

Then it dived, and slipped on its invisibility cloak again. Though I thought I could scan as wide an area as it could possibly cover underwater, I did not see the bird again during the 20 minutes I tried. Nor could I, for that matter, find it earlier in the day, during two hours spent scanning from Vincent Park (at the end of Marina Bay Pkwy / Peninsula Dr). How does that bird do that?

Dave Quady
Berkeley, California

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