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Hooded Mergansers in Moraga
Sat, 9 Nov 2002 11:12:59 -0800
From: Judi Cooper

Yesterday I checked out Moraga Country Club ponds and finally the Hooded Mergansers have arrived for the 3rd year. There are 3 males and 3 females and they are gorgeous.

There are also Bufflehead and Ring-necked Ducks and Mallards.

There were several Killdeer, 1 Willet, and 1 Wilson's Snipe.

Judi Cooper

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Great-tailed Grackle at McNabney Marsh
Sat, 9 Nov 2002 13:44:44 PST
From: Denise Wight

Hi East Bay Birders,

A male Great-tailed Grackle was at the southwest corner of Waterfront Road and Waterbird Road at the edge of McNabney Marsh in Waterbird Regional Preserve east of Martinez this morning. It was on a fence post, tearing apart a crayfish. (I wonder what means this bird used to obtain it.) Has Great-tailed Grackle wintered at the marsh in the past?

There was also an Orange-crowned Warbler with Common Yellowthroats out in the marsh at Martinez Regional Shoreline. One male Common Goldeneye was in with the Canvasbacks and Ruddy Ducks.

Denise Wight
Martinez, CA

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Ross' Goose at Martin Luther King Jr Regional Shoreline
Sat, 9 Nov 2002 13:51:47 -0800 (PST)
From: Stewart Bolinger

This morning I saw one Ross' Goose grazing with a flock of Canada Geese at Martin Luther King Jr Regional Shoreline near the Oakland Airport. I go there once a week and that was a first.

Stewart Bolinger

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Prairie Falcon at Lake Merritt
Sat, 09 Nov 2002 15:46:37 -0800
From: Larry Tunstall

I'm forwarding the following message for Bob Power:

Ted Pierce's Albany Adult School raptor class saw an adult Prairie Falcon at Lake Merritt in downtown Oakland this morning (November 9) at approximately 9:15 AM. This falcon has what appears to be a jess hanging from its leg, both visible in flight and when perched. The falcon was observed at the Rotary Nature Center at the northeast corner of the lake hunting through the Rock Doves, perched on the geodesic metallic structure, and perched again on the cornice of an adjacent building.

At approximately 12:45 PM the group also observed an adult male Taiga-form Merlin at the Mountain View Cemetery in Oakland, approximately 100 yards straight in from the Piedmont Ave entrance. The Merlin looked to be recovering from the storm, preening in the top of a willow, to the north of and adjacent to the interior road, but to the south of and just beyond the chapel.

Good birding,
Bob Power

Posted to EBB by Larry Tunstall

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Merlin lost by falconer in Richmond
Sat, 09 Nov 2002 16:06:00 -0800
From: Jan Diemont

Hello East Bay Birders,

I lost my captive-bred Merlin falcon (Falco columbarius columbarius) yesterday afternoon while training her near Richmond. She was wearing small leather anklets and should have one small transmitter attached (freq. 216.078) - although I could not get a signal today, so it is possible that it came off. My last strong signals came from the Golden Gate Fields horse stables (Berkeley) and my last signal which was somewhat weak came from the very south end of Berkeley Aquatic Park or possibly the Emeryville Public Market.

I believe she may be heading for the Alameda Naval Base, Bay Farm Island, or perhaps the Oakland Airport. If anyone spots this Merlin, please contact me. I am offering a reward.

Jan Diemont
General Falconer

NOTE: Messages for Jan may be sent care of  --Larry Tunstall

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Barrow's Goldeneye continues at Lake Merritt
Sat, 9 Nov 2002 16:12:53 -0800
From: Matt Ricketts

Hi all - this is my first post as I just moved to Lake Merritt in Oakland 3 months ago. Hoping to see the single male Barrow's Goldeneye (a lifer for me) I stopped by the islands next to the "bird sanctuary"/playground today around 2:30 PM to check out the raft of ducks that frequent the area. I found it after only about a minute of searching, mixed in with the ubiquitous Ruddy Ducks, Canvasbacks, Greater Scaup, Pied-billed Grebes, as well as 2 or 3 male Common Goldeneyes and 3 female goldeneyes (probably Common?). The white crescent behind the bill, distinct white spots against the deep black scapulars, and black spur along the front side were apparent, although the low, flat head and long mantle as described in Sibley weren't as obvious to me. In any case, the lighting and close range created a fantastic opportunity to compare the adult male Barrow's and Common Goldeneyes. I also saw for the first time the Common Goldeneye breeding display where they slowly raise their head bill-first, then lower it back down. Neat stuff.

Not much else to report except a single Glaucous-winged Gull towards the southern side of the lake, close to the junction of Brooklyn and Lakeshore. Not sure how common they are inland but in my experience I've only seen them along the coast.

Also of interest:

Horned Grebe - 1
Eared Grebe - 3
Bufflehead - 2 males

Matt Ricketts
Oakland, CA

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