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Nutmeg Mannikin in Clayton
Sun, 15 Sep 2002 13:23:56 -0700
From: Polly Boissevain

This morning while biking along the George Cardinet Trail in Clayton (the trail starts at Kirker Pass Rd and runs along Mt Diablo Creek to downtown Clayton), I found a Nutmeg Mannikin feeding with a flock of Lesser Goldfinches. Sibley notes that small populations have established in California. Does anyone know whether there are feral populations of these birds in the East Bay, or is this more likely an escapee? It was only about 15 feet away and was quite unconcerned by my presence.

Polly Boissevain

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Eurasian Collared Dove back in south Berkeley yard
Sun, 15 Sep 2002 15:05:02 -0700
From: Rusty Scalf

The Eurasian Collared Dove is back and snoozing in a hawthorn tree in my back yard. I wonder if this bird is wild and part of the population that is expanding westward, or if it is an escaped bird. I've looked at it carefully and it's not a Ringed Turtle Dove. The bird is about as dark as a Mourning Dove and the primaries are dark gray as depicted in Sibley. Does anyone know if Collared Doves are kept in captivity? My impression is that Ringed Turtle Doves are the common captive dove.

Rusty Scalf

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Siberian Goldfinch in Berkeley yard
Sun, 15 Sep 2002 16:12:09 PDT
From: Mark Westlund

I would imagine that this bird must be on the lam, but all afternoon today there's been a Siberian Goldfinch at my central Berkeley backyard platform feeder, dining on safflower seeds alongside the usual American Goldfinches, Lesser Goldfinches, and House Finches. It has no leg bands.

Mark Westlund

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Re: Siberian Goldfinch in Berkeley yard
Sun, 15 Sep 2002 20:12:31 -0700
From: Rusty Scalf

I thought that goldfinches kept in captivity were of the European form and not the Siberian form. So why can't this one be a vagrant? Heck if Rustic Buntings and Little Bunting can make it to California, then why not?


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Hermit Warbler at Oakland Zoo
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 08:30:22 PDT
From: Phil Gordon

Greetings EBB'ers,

Yesterday I took a group of overnight "Safari" Campers on an early nature walk in the periphery of the Oakland Zoo (Alameda County). We found 22 bird species along with an additional 9 species I located before and after the group walk. This was between 07:35 and 10:30. Of note was an immature female (large) Sharp-shinned Hawk, 3 Red-breasted Nuthatches, a small flock (7) of Western Bluebirds, California Thrasher (heard), and a 1st-hatch-year Hermit Warbler found in a stone pine up along the southeast parking area (at about 10:15).

Happy Birding,
Phil Gordon
Hayward, Alameda County

P.S.  A complete list of the 59 species we've found on these walks in the last 5 years (including yesterday) will be on file in the new Education Center at the Zoo.

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What is a Siberian Goldfinch?
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 09:41:08 -0700
From: Don Lewis

What's a Siberian Goldfinch? I can't find a bird of that name either in Clements Birds of the World or in Clement, Harris, and Davis Finches and Sparrows.

Is there another name, or a Latin name?


Don Lewis
Lafayette, CA

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Re: What is a Siberian Goldfinch?
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 12:45:20 -0700
From: Mark Westlund

Carduelis carduelis major - similar to the European Goldfinch, but lacking all-buff breast. From a quick web search, the bird is native to Northern Europe and Russia. It's also a common captive bird.

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European Goldfinch and sparrows in Fremont
Fri, 20 Sep 2002 17:06:05 -0700
From: Kris Olson

Forwarding this message to EBB:

From: South Bay Birds Administrator on behalf of Tom Ryan
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 3:38 PM
Subject: [SBB] Slightly out of area sparrows & European Goldfinch

Hi all,

Unfortunately not many of my recent projects are within Santa Clara County. Could someone please forward this to East Bay Birders as well.

Yesterday (September 19) I observed a European Goldfinch among a flock of Lesser Goldfinch and House Finch along the north side of Alameda Creek in Fremont between Hwy 880 and Alameda Blvd at approximately 8:30 AM. I believe that it can reasonably assumed that this is an escapee, similar to Orange Bishop and Nutmeg Mannikin. Although, some years ago they established a colony in southern Long Island in New York, something else to watch for along our creeks as well ... and escapee or not, its always fun to stumble across something that is not in the North America bird book!

Also, Alameda Creek between Alameda Blvd and Decoto Rd went from zero White-crowned Sparrows and Lincoln's Sparrows yesterday to 35+ White-crowned Sparrows and several Lincoln's Sparrows this morning (September 20).


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Parasitic Jaeger at Berkeley Marina
Fri, 20 Sep 2002 18:38:07 -0700
From: John Luther

Today (September 20) a Parasitic Jaeger flew over the disconnected pieces of the west end of the Berkeley Pier and caused all of the Elegant Terns to take flight. The jaeger continued flying south towards the Bay Bridge. This was at about 11 AM.

John Luther

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