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MacGillivray's Warblers in Tilden Park
Thu, 25 Apr 2002 06:42:32 PDT
From: Doug Greenberg

Yesterday I walked some of the trails above and around Jewel Lake at Tilden Regional Park Nature Area in the Berkeley Hills. The highlight of the excursion was two singing male MacGillivray's warblers. Only one allowed himself to be seen. MacGillivray's Warblers migrate through Tilden every spring about this time.

Doug Greenberg

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Ideas needed for a field trip destination on Saturday
Thu, 25 Apr 2002 06:46:00 PDT
From: Doug Greenberg

My fifteen-year-old son has caught the birding bug once again after about two years of apparent indifference. We took a terrific trip last Saturday to Mines Road (lots and lots of Lawrence's Goldfinches and multiple Phainopeplas this year!). He wants to go out land-birding again this weekend. When it comes to "spring nesting birds along with some migrants" I know that Jewel Lake and Sunol Regional Wilderness are reliable East Bay destinations. But can anyone suggest others? It's time for this old dog to learn some new tricks.

Doug Greenberg

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Re: MacGillivray's Warblers in Tilden Park
Thu, 25 Apr 2002 09:07:13 -0700
From: Ore Carmi


These may be residents. MacGillivray's Warblers are found throughout the summer (through August) in Tilden Regional Park and Strawberry Canyon, and I'm fairly convinced they nest in Strawberry Canyon. A list of birds for the Berkeley Hills compiled in 1984, which I was given in my natural history class, includes MacGillivray's Warblers as fairly uncommon summer residents.

Ore Carmi
Berkeley, Alameda County, CA

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Hooded Orioles in Oakland
Thu, 25 Apr 2002 09:50:40 -0700
From: Nick Newton

I had a pair of Hooded Orioles in the yard of my house in the Redwood Heights district of Oakland. They came to the hummingbird feeder (the 8-ounce one with the perch bar). There is a palm tree next door (I've been told they like to nest in palm trees), which is where I first saw them, but haven't seen them in the last couple of days, so they have probably moved on.

Nick Newton

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Orioles are back!!
Thu, 25 Apr 2002 10:12:58 PDT
From: George McRae

Hooded Orioles are back in El Cerrito as well. And as in Oakland they are nesting in a palm tree and yes as in Oakland the are feeding at one of our hummingbird feeders (a Perky Pet four-position feeder.) I actually heard them (chattering) last week long before I could see them. As for hummingbirds, it seems that this year there are vastly fewer than in past years. Any one else having similar observations?

George McRae

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Chickadee Club artwork on display
Thu, 25 Apr 2002 15:31:36 -0700
From: John Poole

Dear Birders:

Chickadee Club artwork is on display at the old city hall in Berkeley. It is also on-line at

There are over seventy children and their families going on birdwalks in Tilden on the first two weekend in May. If you are interested in leading a Chickadee Club walk in the future, please e-mail me in care of

Good Birding!
John Poole

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Re: Field trip destination
Thu, 25 Apr 2002 17:06:36 -0700
From: Pat Matthews

Hi. San Pablo Reservoir is a good birding spot. The Barn Swallows are nesting right on the Main Recreation building and there are forests, pines, and wetlands that are nesting areas for all sorts of feathered ones, including the Golden Eagle across from the Boat Launch area. There is a narrow walking trail near the water and another along the Old Road that runs the length of the lake and is part of the East Bay Municipal Utilities District hiking trail system. (no permit needed inside the Recreation Area, on the west side of the reservoir from the dam to the boat launch).

Your note offers me the opportunity to put out a call for help to all EBB'ers. I really want to spot the Osprey nest this year, and they are getting ready to start. If any of you want to come to the res and "provide vectors" for my biologist friends, or just locate the nest, we all would be eternally grateful.

There are probably 2 nests, one in the eucalyptus west of San Pablo Dam Rd above the Main Recreation Area, and another along the Bear Creek Trail by Briones Reservoir. If anyone can help, come on down. They should start nesting in May.

San Pablo Reservoir is on San Pablo Dam Road between El Sobrante and Orinda. The Main Recreation Area entrance is nearer to El Sobrante, exactly 1 mile past Kennedy Grove as you come from El Sobrante. The Boat Launch entrance is near the Bear Creek/Camino Pablo/Wildcat Canyon/San Pablo Dam roads intersection, not far from JFK University.

For 15-year-olds and others, there are boat rentals, burgers and fries, and beer available plus all sorts of other stuff. You can see part of the res on our spanking new web cam just installed last week:

and then click on San Pablo.

Have fun no matter where you go!

Ranger Pat
San Pablo Reservoir Recreation Area
7301 San Pablo Dam Road
El Sobrante, CA 94803

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Eagle Reply

Re: Orioles are back!
Thu, 25 Apr 2002 21:20:18 -0700
From: Steve Huckabone

I've noticed many Bullock's Orioles around and had a female at my hummingbird feeder last week, but no Hooded Orioles yet. As for the Hummingbirds, ditto at my feeders. By this time last year I had seen many Selasphorus hummingbirds and one Calliope Hummingbird stayed around for about a week. This year just a few Anna's. What's up?

Steve Huckabone
Alameda County
Livermore, Ca 94550

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