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Where are Bald Eagles?
Tue, 12 Feb 2002 21:19:46 PST
From: Chris Carpenter

Dear EBB birders:

I have a good non-birding friend who has just declared that she has always wanted to see a Bald Eagle. I know there are a couple at Paicines Reservoir (as of February 3) which I am prepared to show her, but I'd like to know if anyone knows of any bird(s) closer to Pleasanton, where she lives. Thanks in advance for any help.

Chris Carpenter

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Bald Eagle at Lafayette Reservoir
Tue, 12 Feb 2002 22:22:36 -0800
From: Kay Loughman

A Bald Eagle has been regular in the winter at Lafayette Reservoir in Lafayette. Seen as recently as yesterday.

Kay Loughman

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Redheads at Point Emery, Emeryville
Wed, 13 Feb 2002 07:20:39 -0800
From: Mike Ezekiel

Yesterday afternoon, I saw a flock of 4 male and perhaps 4 or 5 female Redheads amongst the scaup off the end of the little park at Point Emery (near the foot of Ashby Ave). I had seen 1 Redhead there previously.

Mike Ezekiel

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Locations for Black Scoter and Yellow-breasted Chat?
Wed, 13 Feb 2002 06:58:26 -0800
From: Dennis Rashé

In our area, does anybody know of a reliable spot(s) to locate a Black Scoter and a Yellow-breasted Chat? I need these for my life list. I've been looking for the last couple years, with no luck. I know the scoter should be around now and the chat is coming. Thanks for your help.

Dennis Rashé

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Re: Black Scoter
Wed, 13 Feb 2002 07:17:01 -0800 (PST)
From: David Armstrong

I don't know about Black Scoters in the East Bay - however they are fairly regular off Fort Funston in San Francisco this time of year. I saw some there about a week ago. You can typically find them towards the north side of Fort Funston, close to the end of Ocean Beach. Good luck

David Armstrong

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Peregrine Falcon at Lake Chabot
Wed, 13 Feb 2002 09:55:27 -0800
From: Emily Serkin


This morning near the Estudillo Ave entrance to Lake Chabot from San Leandro, I saw an immature Peregrine Falcon - the second time I've seen one in a couple of months. So the first sighting was not an anomaly.

Emily Serkin

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Re: Black Scoter and Yellow-breasted Chat
Wed, 13 Feb 2002 10:12:27 -0800
From: Mike Feighner


Yes, the Fish Docks at Point Reyes in Marin County is where I got my lifer Black Scoter in 1989. It is a reliable location. In 1999 I found one male off the Berkeley pier in Alameda County.

Best Place for Yellow-breasted Chat in our area is at Piper Slough (Bethel Island) in May in eastern Contra Costa County (also good for Blue Grosbeaks). See

Steve Glover has mentioned a problem with access out there recently.

Mike Feighner, Livermore, CA, Alameda County

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Re: Yellow-breasted Chat
Wed, 13 Feb 2002 16:17:01 -0800
From: John Poole


I have had some luck with chats at Ana Del state park in Santa Rosa. Check out Jean Richmond's [out-of-print] book Birding Northern California.

John Poole

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Editor's Note: John Kemper's 1999 book of the same title is still available from Falcon Publishing. It has less focus on the Bay Area, but provides a wide suggestion for birding spots around Northern California. His suggestions for chat include milepost 16.8 on Del Puerto Rd in Stanislaus County and Napa River Ecological Reserve, but nothing in the East Bay.

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