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Fwd: Male Bay-breasted Warbler in Lafayette
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 01:12:13 -8000
From: Richard Mix

From: Thomas Miko
To: CalBirds list
Subject: Male Bay-breasted Warbler in Lafayette
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 00:47:41 -0800

Dear Bay Area Birders (and everybody else),

My professor from Cal State Dominguez Hills, Dr Cathy Jacobs told me tonight that she just got back from visiting her sister in Lafayette, where she had a male Bay-breasted Warbler. Cathy is an ornithologist who has been birding for give-or-take 30 years, so even though I'm breaking the taboo about passing on second-hand info, I feel comfortable doing so in her case. She said that she was standing outside Millie's Kitchen (a restaurant), waiting while her husband parked the car, and heard a different call-note, and saw the bird right away. It flew away by the time her husband arrived. This was in the morning.

She doesn't know any birders up there, and won't be near a computer for a couple of days, so she asked me to pass the word.

Thomas Miko (Mikó Tamás)
Pasadena, CA

Posted to EBB by Richard Mix

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Bald Eagle at Lafayette Reservoir
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 10:09:40 -0800
From: Don Lewis

The adult Bald Eagle was present again in a bare lakeside tree on the west side of Lafayette Reservoir at 9:15 AM today, Tuesday. It couldn't be seen from the trail nearby due to intervening trees but was easily seen from across the lake to the east.

And, yes, there are American Robins everywhere. More than I've ever seen.

Don Lewis
Lafayette, CA

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No luck on Bay-breasted Warbler
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 13:01:39 PST
From: Steve Glover

Hello all,

This morning I went out to try to refind the Bay-breasted Warbler reported from Lafayette. I was unsuccessful but it could easily still be around. Millie's Kitchen is on Oak Hill Rd in Lafayette. If you are coming down Hwy 24 from Oakland then there is an offramp for Oak Hill Rd. When you get off the freeway it will be directly in front of you. From the east I think you can get off at Moraga Rd and go left at the end of the ramp. In a block or so you will come to Oak Hill Rd. Go left under the freeway and it will be just on the other side of the freeway on your left.

The lot is tiny so park on the street to avoid ticking off the owners. Millie's is open from 5 AM to 2 PM so perhaps it would be better to go in the afternoon. There isn't a lot of habitat to look through and almost all the birds there are Yellow-rumped Warblers and American Robins. There is also a nice little patch with flowering eucalyptus right across the street but a quick check didn't turn anything up.

Good luck,
Steve Glover

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Robins in El Cerrito
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 14:41:49 -0800
From: Jerrie Arko

We have had American Robins all over the place for three days now. My backyard is covered in Robins today!

We went out to Briones Regional Park yesterday and there were robins by the hundreds. We also had Western Bluebirds, Acorn Woodpeckers, dozens of Hermit Thrushes and a brief glimpse of a Varied Thrush.

Then I tripped over a curb and broke my arm. That put a stop to our birding! Today I am enjoying the robins in the field across the street and in the backyard.

Jerrie Arko, El Cerrito

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San Pablo Reservoir access problems
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 17:32:32 PST
From: Roy Carlson

For anyone on this list (like me) who is not familiar with San Pablo Reservoir and wanted to see the previously reported Bald Eagle, be advised that the Rec Area there is closed from November 19 to February 15. I didn't find any great spots from the road to view the reservoir, either. Oh well, at least it was new countryside....

Roy Carlson
San Carlos, California

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Influx of robins
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 17:41:15 -0800 (PST)
From: John Harris

This is not as spectacular as recent messages, but I had about 15 American Robins in our back yard last Thursday, which was a record for our yard.

John H. Harris
Biology Department, Mills College
Oakland, CA

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