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Re: Nesting already?
Thu, 10 Jan 2002 09:37:00 -0800
From: Sherry Hudson

Sounds like a good idea. Just a note about putting bright colors out so you can spot nests later - this may also make it easier for predators (crows, jays, etc) to spot the nests as well.

Sherry Hudson
Biologist, San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory

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Re: Nesting already?
Thu, 10 Jan 2002 12:23:50 -0800
From: Jerrie Arko

How right you were!! I saw a crow rummaging around in the basket this morning! S/he didn't take anything. Just made a mess.


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Re: Nesting already?
Thu, 10 Jan 2002 13:40:07 -0800
From: Sheila Dickie

Also, be careful about string and yarn - my girl cat recently swallowed a shoelace. She survived, but obviously we should not put out things that might be dangerous objects for other animals.

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Re: Nesting already?
Thu, 10 Jan 2002 15:15:12 -0800
From: Jerrie Arko

I cur the yarn and string into 2- to 3-inch lengths. Sewing thread is not a good thing to use because it might get caught in the wing or foot of a tiny bird with sad results.

When you brush your girl kitty or your dogs, that is also a good addition to the nesting basket.

Jerrie, El Cerrito, CA

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Re: Nesting already?
Thu, 10 Jan 2002 17:20:52 -0800
From: Arlene Gemmill

Hmmm. I think that lint from dryer is a bad idea - contains residue of detergent and other chemicals that could be toxic, especially to fledglings. I do put my combings from my long-haired cat in areas where hummingbirds nest; dog hair would probably be fine too.

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Lawrence's Goldfinch in my yard
Thu, 10 Jan 2002 20:35:51 -0800
From: Lauri English

Not sure if this is significant, but I have a Lawrence's Goldfinch in my yard ... I got a great photo and it seems to be hanging around and eating thistle.

This is my first "sighting" with your website and I'm quite a novice.

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Re: Lawrence's Goldfinch in my yard
Thu, 10 Jan 2002 21:57:49 -0800
From: Jerrie Arko

You didn't say where you live...

Here in El Cerrito, halfway up Moeser Ln and close to Hillside Park, I have had several Lawrence's Goldfinches over the last six years. It is quite a thrill! I have never seen one anywhere but in my yard.

So far this winter I haven't seen one but I have the bonus of a lot of Pine Siskins that chow down on the thi$tle seed every so often.

Nice yard bird! Congratulations.

Jerrie, El Cerrito, CA

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Re: Nesting already?
Thu, 10 Jan 2002 22:09:07 -0800
From: Lisa Viani

And speaking of toxics, probably people who use Advantage or other topical flea medicines on their pets shouldn't put out fur either... [when providing nesting materials for wild birds].

Lisa Viani

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