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Immature Peregrine Falcon at Lake Chabot
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 14:31:04 -0800
From: Emily Serkin

Greetings All.

Yesterday I saw to my surprise an immature Peregrine Falcon perched in a dead tree at Lake Chabot. I walk there often, have for years, and this is a first. However, the bird was not at the same spot when I returned today.

I saw it near the Estudillo Rd entrance in San Leandro. If you walk up the hill toward the lake, you turn left at the outhouse. Then walk maybe a quarter-mile around the lake before you see a big dead tree on your left, followed shortly by another one. I think it was in the first.

The bird had a thick mustache stripe, a brown streaked breast and belly, dark eye, unmarked brown back, and the wings were about the same length as the tail; I don't think it could have been anything else.

Good birding,
Emily Serkin

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Cattle Egret at Lake Merritt
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 15:04:06 -0800
From: Judi Cooper

Thanks for the directions to see the Cattle Egret.

I did indeed find it right where it was reported - on the shore just west [actually south] of the duck feeding area (behind the big dome enclosure).

That was at 11:00 AM today.

Judi Cooper

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Oakland Christmas Bird Count coming up
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 20:31:38 -0800
From: Tom Condit

The Oakland area Christmas Bird Count is coming up on Sunday, December 16. If you haven't gotten any info and would like to participate, contact Clyde and Joelle, the count compilers. See

And if you've seen the latest issue of Bay Nature, you know how beautiful Joaquin Miller Park is. Marsha Feinland and I are the area leaders for Joaquin Miller and the northern half of Redwood Regional Park. We need volunteers. You have an excellent chance of seeing Varied Thrush, California Quail and Pygmy Nuthatches (only reliable East Bay area for these). You can eat your heart out knowing that both Pileated Woodpecker and Wild Turkey are around there somewhere, but have never been seen on a Christmas count. Lot of other things, too. Plus you can watch us argue with Alan Hopkins about whether ladybugs are in our area or his.

Tom Condit

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Lake Merritt Cattle Egret and more
Thu, 29 Nov 2001 09:11:45 -0800
From: Bruce Mast

Took a walk around Lake Merritt yesterday about noon. Cattle Egret was still there, standing quietly on the island nearest the bird feeding area.

I observed several other species at the Lake for the first time this winter:

Horned Grebes (2 near the 14th Street Bridge; I first saw them Monday)
Bonaparte Gull (Lakeshore near E 18th St)
Pair of American Widgeons near the islands

This morning I also found a Gadwall, a Western Grebe, and 4 peeps, probably Western Sandpipers. I've seen all of these earlier this fall but they have been relatively uncommon at the lake.

Of course, lots of other ducks, egrets, and gulls in abundance. Happy to provide a more detailed list to anyone who wants it.

Bruce Mast

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Banded gull at Lake Merritt
Thu, 29 Nov 2001 09:15:45 -0800
From: Bruce Mast

Forgot to mention in my previous post that I noticed a first year gull (Western Gull?) with color bands. It was in the boat rental parking lot. The left leg had red and blue bands. The right leg had a numbered metal band. The last 4 digits were 6592. (Then it sat down. Must not have appreciated my staring at its legs!)

Not sure who I should report this to.

Bruce Mast
Oakland, CA

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Re: Banded gull at Lake Merritt
Thu, 29 Nov 2001 09:42:52 -0800
From: Sherry Hudson


If you see or find a bird with a bird band and you can read the numbers, you can report the band to the Bird Banding Lab via their website:

and click on "How to report a bird band".

Sherry Hudson
San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory

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Editor's Note: Links to this BBL site and one for reporting banded shorebirds appear on the East Bay Birders Circle homepage.

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