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Docent training in natural sciences at Oakland Museum
Wed, 1 Aug 2001 16:44:23 PDT
From: Collin Murphy

Dear EBBers,

Thought some of you birders might be interested in doing this training. It is a great chance to pass along some of your knowledge to the next generations! Sorry for the "advertisement" but it seemed worth passing along!

Collin Murphy

Interested in nature? Like working with kids? Then docenting at the Oakland Museum of California's Natural Science Gallery may be your thing! Learn in-depth about California's natural environments and how to share your knowledge with others. Birders may be interested to know that California's birds are very well represented in the museum's Natural Sciences gallery. Classes are held on Tuesday afternoon beginning September 11th and continue for 9 months. Field trips to diverse areas of California are included.

No background in biology is necessary - just dedication and enthusiasm. For more information or to sign on, call 510.238.3514.

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Info wanted on Roadrunner locations
Fri, 03 Aug 2001 16:27:12 -0700
From: Larry Tunstall

I am forwarding the following message to the list. If you want to get in touch with Craig, send a message to and I will forward it to Craig.

Larry Tunstall

I am a graduate student at CSUS [Cal State University - Sacramento] and am interested in finding some information on the exact locations of roadrunner observations in northern California. In doing a web search of observations, I noticed that there have been several sightings in the Alameda County area. If you know of anyone who might have specific information on nest sites or the best places to look, it would help me out.

I've been entertaining the idea of doing a habitat selection or nest site characteristic study of the northern California population, but am faced with the daunting task of finding nests. Thank you for your time.

Craig Swolgaard
Folsom, CA

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