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Birds of Berkeley website correction
Wed, 6 Jun 2001 14:46:25 -0700
From: Russ Williams

Two gulls on the "Featured Artist 2" page of Birds of Berkeley were misidentified. They are Western Gulls. Thanks to Joe Morlan and the National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America.

Russ Williams

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Raptor seen but not identified
Wed, 6 Jun 2001 14:58:06 -0700
From: Russ Williams

Hi East Bay Birders:

A raptor swooped up and landed in the tree outside my window in Berkeley on June 4. I peeked out and saw him/her eating his/her prey. Tried to get a photo but, alas, the bird was gone when I got the camera ready. Smallish brown body, possibly an American Kestrel. I need to install one-way-see-through so I can see out but the birds can't see in.

Russ Williams

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Coyote Hills: Errors in June 2 report & flamingo sighting
Wed, 6 Jun 2001 18:36:28 PDT
From: Bill Scoggins

Hello East Bay Birders,

There were four errors in my Coyote Hills report for June 2. Please make the following corrections:

American Widgeon, Canvasback, Common Goldeneye, and Green-winged Teal were not seen at Coyote Hills on 2 June 2001.

Additional reports:

The next day, June 3, I observed two active Bushtit nests in Eucalyptus trees in front of the Coyote Hills Visitor Center.

I had a phone report from Coyote Hills on June 5 that three Greater Flamingo (species?) were feeding in the salt ponds off the Alameda County Flood Control Channel past Bay View Trail and the pumping station/steel tower. This report was from Kathleen Cameron, Ohlone Audubon Society, at 11 AM. I have not been able to confirm this sighting by going to the park.

[Coyote Hills Regional Park is in Fremont.  --Editor]

Happy birding,
Bill Scoggins

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Most Least Terns
Sun, 10 Jun 2001 11:02:14 PDT
From: Mark Rauzon

At Albany Mudflats, north side [Richmond, Contra Costa County], I saw 40 Least Terns roosting on the mud and about 11 on the shellmound nesting island that Caltrans made several years ago. Looks like a flourishing site that is located off the exit for Costco [Central Ave]. This was on Saturday around 12:30 PM so the heat waves were pretty intense thru the scope.

Mark Rauzon

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Avian Plague a.k.a. Brown-headed Cowbird
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 07:56:18 PDT
From: Sylvia Sykora

After occasional, brief visits from Brown-headed Cowbirds in past years, this year both a male and female have hung around the neighborhood since I first heard their calls on April 23.

Yesterday the result of their presence became evident: a Dark-eyed Junco feeding an enormous young cowbird at our seed feeder. I have long predicted that as the neighborhood Monterey pines fell by the dozens over recent years, we could anticipate increased cowbird activity. We are a short half block from Redwood Park which I suspect is the source of these birds.

Does anyone have experience in discouraging cowbirds? Or have suggestions for eliminating them?

Sylvia Sykora
Oakland, CA (elevation 1500 feet near Skyline Boulevard)

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Lazuli Bunting, Yellow Warbler, White-crowned Sparrow
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 21:30:17 -0700
From: Lillian Fujii & Steve Hayashi


1. Following up on recent reports re Lazuli Bunting, on June 10, 2001, while atlassing on East Bay Municipal Utility District lands in Pinole (closed to public), we found an area with a surprising density of Lazuli Bunting. In a relatively small area (sorry about lack of precision) we saw at least 4 birds including a female feeding a fledgling, and heard at least 3 more individuals calling. The birds were in an area very densely carpeted with a mixture of tall mustard, hemlock and non-native thistle. (Plant ID and bird call ID with the assistance of Ore Carmi.)

2. Also on June 10 in Pinole, we heard a Yellow Warbler singing. Has anyone else heard/seen Yellow Warbler this past weekend? Private responses welcome.

3. Tonight (June 11) while driving on Arlington Ave in El Cerrito, we heard a White-crowned Sparrow singing from the Mira Vista Golf Course in the area near the eucalyptus trees.

Happy birding, Lillian Fujii and Steve Hayashi

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